東京大学大学院 新領域創成科学研究科 複雑理工学専攻 教授
東京大学大学院 理学系研究科 物理学専攻(兼担)
国立研究開発法人 NICT-情報通信研究機構 脳情報通信融合研究センター 招聘研究員
国立研究開発法人 物質・材料研究機構 統合型材料開発・情報基盤部門 招聘研究員
公益財団法人高輝度光科学研究センター・放射光利用研究基盤センター 客員研究員
1989年4月 - 1991年3月 大阪大学大学院基礎工学研究科後期博士課程中退1985年4月 - 1987年3月 大阪大学大学院理学研究科前期博士課程
1985年3月 大阪市立大学理学部物理学科卒
1980年3月 大阪府立吹田東高等学校・普通科卒業
2004年 - 現在 東京大学 大学院新領域創成科学研究科 教授2001年 - 2004年 理化学研究所 脳数理研究チーム 副チームリーダー
1996年 - 2001年 科学技術振興機構 ERATO川人学習動態脳プロジェクト 研究員
1991年 - 1996年 大阪大学 基礎工学部 助手
2017年度 日本神経回路学会論文賞受賞2010年 Best Paper Method Award 2009 of the Gesellschaft fuer Klassifikation (GfKl, The German Classification Society)
1998年度 第17回AVIRG(視聴覚情報研究会)賞受賞
1997年度(社)計測自動制御学会生体・生理工学部会 研究奨励賞受賞
1996年度 日本神経回路学会奨励賞受賞
1995年度 日本神経回路学会研究賞受賞
1993年度 日本神経回路学会研究賞受賞
E-mail: okada(@)
Koki Obinata, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Kenji Nagata, Keitaro Sodeyama, and Masato Okada
"Confidence evaluation for feature selection in expanded feature space based on density of states"
APL Machine Learning: accepted,(2025) -
Masaumi Shimizu, Shun Katakami, Masato Okada, Yasuko Sugase-Miyamoto, Kazuko Hayashi, Keiji Matsuda, Kenichiro Miura, Mark A. G. Eldridge, Richard Saunders, Barry J Richmond and Narihisa Matsumoto
"Differences in category information processing between areas TEO and TE of the macaque"
Frontiers in Behavoral Neuroscience.accepted, (2025) -
Binsheu Shieh, Ryo Masuda, Satoshi Tsutsui, Shun Katakami, Kenji Nagata, Masaichiro Mizumaki, Masato Okada
"Basis Function Dependence of Estimation Precision for Synchrotron-Radiation-Based Mössbauer Spectroscopy"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan.accepted, (2025) -
Hajime Ueda, Shun Katakami, Masato Okada
"Stochastic Vector Approximate Message Passing with applications to phase retrieval"
2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2025) -
Toru Aonishi, Tatsuya Nagasawa, Toshiyuki Koizumi, Mastiyage Don Sudeera Hasaranga Gunathilaka, Kazushi Mimura, Masato Okada, Satoshi Kako, and Yoshihisa Yamamoto
"Highly Versatile FPGA-Implemented Cyber Coherent Ising Machine"
IEEE Access, 2169-3536 (2024) -
Shuhei Kashiwamura, Shun Katakami, Taiga Yamasaki, Kazunori Iwamitsu, Hiroyuki Kumazoe, Kenji Nagata, Toshihiro Okajima, Ichiro Akai, Masato Okada
"Noise-robust analysis of X-Ray absorption near-edge structure based on poisson distribution"
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods, 4(1) (2024) -
Yui Hayashi, Shun Katakami, Shigeo Kuwamoto, Kenji Nagata, Masaichiro Mizumaki, Masato Okada
"Quantitative Selection of Sample Structures in Small-Angle Scattering Using Bayesian Methods"
Journal of Applied Crystallography,57(4) 955-965 (2024) -
Atsushi Machida, Kenji Nagata, Ryo Murakami, Hiroshi Shinotsuka, Hayaru Shouno, Hideki Yoshikawa and Masato Okada
"Bayesian inference method utilizing SESSA in quantitative layer structure estimation from XPS data"
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, Volume 273, 147449 (2024) -
Taichi Kusumi, Shun Katakami, Ryo Ishikawa, Kazuaki Kawahara, Tiarnan Mullarkey, Julie Marie Bekkevold, Jonathan J. P. Peters, Lewys Jones, Naoya Shibata, Masato Okada
"New Poisson denoising method for pulse-count STEM imaging"
Ultramicroscopy, 113996 (2024) -
Yasuhiko IGARASHI, Fabio IESARI, Hiroyuki SETOYAMA, Toshihiro OKAJIMA,Hiroyuki KUMAZOE, Ichiro AKAI, Masato OKADA,
"Appropriate basis selection based on Bayesian inference for analyzing measured data reflecting photoelectron wave interference"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 93(7) (2024) -
Atsushi Machida, Takeshi Watanabe, Masaichiro Mizumaki, Kenji Nagata and Masato Okada
"Development of a Bayesian inference method for the analysis of X-ray reflectivity data"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 63(1) 017005(2024) -
Tomohiro Nabika, Kenji Nagata, Masaichiro Mizumaki, Shun Katakami & Masato Okada
"Bayesian active learning with model selection for spectral experiments"
Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 3680(2024) -
Rei Nishimura, Shun Katakami, Kenji Nagata, Masaichiro Mizumaki, Masato Okada
"Bayesian Integration for Hamiltonian Parameters of Crystal Field"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol.93, 034003, No.3(2024) -
Mitsuki Hamamichi, Kentaro Nagasawa, Masato Okada, Ryohei Seto, Yonghao Yue
"Non-Newtonian ViRheometry via Similarity Analysis"
ACM Transactions on GraphicsVolume 42Issue 6Article No.193pp 1–16 - Hajime Ueda, Shun Katakami, Shogo Yoshida, Yusuke Nakai, Takeshi Mito, Masaichiro Mizumaki, and Masato Okada
"Efficient NMR measurement and data analysis supported by the Bayesian inference : The case of the heavy fermion compound YbCo2Zn20"
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 357(2023)107585 - Mastiyage Don Sudeera Hasaranga Gunathilaka, Satoshi Kako, Yoshitaka Inui, Kazushi Mimura, Masato Okada, Yoshihisa Yamamoto & Toru Aonishi
"Effective implementation of L0-regularised compressed sensing with chaotic-amplitude-controlled coherent Ising machines"
Scientific Reports volume 13, 16140 (2023) - Yui Hayashi, Shun Katakami, Shigeo Kuwamoto, Kenji Nagata, Masaichiro Mizumaki, Masato Okada
"Bayesian Inference for Small-Angle Scattering Data"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 92(9) (2023) - Hiroyuki Kumazoe, Kazunori Iwamitsu, Masaki Imamura, Kazutoshi Takahashi, Yoh-ichi Mototake, Masato Okada, Ichiro Akai
"Quantifying physical insights cooperatively with exhaustive search for Bayesian spectroscopy of X-ray photoelectron spectra"
Scientific Reports 13(1) (2023) - Shogo Yoshida, Hajime Ueda, Tetsuya Mutou, Shun Katakami, Masato Okada, Yuichi Yokoyama, Masaichiro Mizumaki, Naoka Hiraoka, Kentaro Kitagawa, Yoshinori Haga, Takuto Fujii, Yusuke Nakai, Takeshi Mito
"Unique Band Structure of Pressure Induced Semiconducting State in SmS Characterized by 33S-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Measurements"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, (2023) - Haruka Tobita,Yuki Namiuchi,Takumi Komura,Hiroaki Imai, Koki Obinata, Masato Okada, Yasuhiko Igarashi and Yuya Oaki
"Capacity-prediction models for organic anode-active materials of lithium-ion batteries: advances in predictors using small data"
Energy Advances, 2, 1014-1021 (2023) - Taichi Kusumi, Shun Katakami, Ryo Ishikawa, Kazuaki Kawahara, Naoya Shibata, Masato Okada
"Fast reconstruction of scanning transmission electron microscopy images using Markov random field model"
Ultramicroscopy, 113811 (2023) - Hiroshi Shinotsuka, Kenji Nagata, Malinda Siriwardana, Hideki Yoshikawa, Hayaru Shouno, Masato Okada
"Sample structure prediction from measured XPS data using Bayesian estimation and SESSA simulator"
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena,147370(2023) - Ryuta Sasaki, Shunki Nakagawa, Kazushi Mimura, Masato Okada, Toru Aonishi, and Yoshihisa Yamamoto
"Effect of Coupling Discretization on Coherent-Ising-Machine-Implemented Hopfield Model"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan.92, 044002 (2023) - Hajime Ueda, Shun Katakami, Shogo Yoshida, Takehide Koyama, Yusuke Nakai, Takeshi Mito, Masaichiro Mizumaki, Masato Okada
"Bayesian approach to T1 analysis in NMR spectroscopy with applications to solid state physics"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan.92, 054002 (2023) - Satoru Tokuda, Kenji Nagata, and Masato Okada
"Intrinsic regularization effect in Bayesian nonlinear regression scaled by observed data"
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043165 (2022)
プレスリリース 東京大学・ 九州大学・ 日本経済新聞
- Tatsu Kuwatani, Hideitsu Hino, Kenji Nagata, Takahiro Kawashima, Mitsuhiro Toriumi and Masato Okada
"Hyperparameter estimation using a resolution matrix for Bayesian sensing"
Inverse Problems 38, 124004 (2022) - Masato Kamiya, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Masato Okada & Toshitaka Baba
"Numerical experiments on tsunami flow depth prediction for clustered areas using regression and machine learning models"
Earth, Planets and Space volume 74,127 (2022) - Ryota Moriguchi, Satoshi Tsutsui, Shun Katakami, Kenji Nagata, Masaichiro Mizumaki, Masato Okada
"Bayesian Inference on Hamiltonian Selections for Mössbauer Spectroscopy"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 91,W104002 (2022) - Koki Obinata, Tomofumi Nakayama, Atsushi Ishikawa, Keitaro Sodeyama, Kenji Nagata, Yasuhiko Igarashi and Masato Okada
"Data integration for multiple alkali metals in predicting coordination energies based on Bayesian inference"
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods (2022) - Shun Katakami, Hirotaka Sakamoto, Kenji Nagata, Taka-hisa Arima, and Masato Okada
"Bayesian parameter estimation from dispersion relation observation data with Poisson process"
Physical Review E 105, 065301(2022) - Shuhei Kashiwamura, Shun Katakami, Ryo Yamagami, Kazunori Iwamitsu, Hiroyuki Kumazoe, Kenji Nagata, Toshihiro Okajima, Ichiro Akai and Masato Okada
"Bayesian Spectral Deconvolution of X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure Discriminating High- and Low-Energy Domain"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 91(7), 074009, (2022) - Toru Aonishi, Kazushi Mimura, Masato Okada, Yoshihisa Yamamoto
"L0 regularization-based compressed sensing with quantum-classical hybrid approach"
Quantum Science and Technology, 7 035013 (2022) - HirotoTanaka, Yasuaki Kazuta, Yasushi Naruse, YukihiroTominari, Hiroaki Umehara,Yoshiyuki Sowa, Takashi Sagawa, Kazuhiro Oiwa, Masato Okada, Ikuro Kawagishi &Hiroaki Kojima
"Bayesian‑based decipherment of in‑depth information in bacterial chemical sensing beyond pleasant/unpleasant responses"
Scientific Reports 12, 2965 (2022) - Narihisa Matsumoto, Yusuke Taguchi, Masaumi Shimizu, Shun Katakami, Masato Okada and Yasuko Sugase-Miyamoto
"Recurrent Connections Might Be Important for Hierarchical Categorization"
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 16:805990 (2022)
- Yuichi Yokoyama, Yuichi Yamasaki, Masato Okada, and Masaichiro Mizumaki
"Phase Retrieval Algorithm based on Total Variation Regularization for Ferromagnetic Domain Patterns"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 91, 034701 (2022)
- Taiga Yamasaki, Kazunori Iwamitsu, Hiroyuki Kumazoe, Masato Okada,Masaichiro Mizumaki & Ichiro Akai
"Bayesian spectroscopy of synthesized soft X-ray absorption spectra showing magnetic circular dichroism at the Ni-L3, -L2 edges
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods,1(1) 75–86, (2021)
- Hiroyuki Kumazoe, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Fabio Iesari, Ryota Shimizu, Yuya Komatsu, Taro Hitosugi, Daiju Matsumura, Hiroyuki Saitoh, Kazunori Iwamitsu, Toshihiro Okajima, Yoshiki Seno, Masato Okada, and Ichiro Akai,
“Bayesian sparse modeling of extended x-ray absorption fine structure to determine interstitial oxygen positions in yttrium oxyhydride epitaxial thin film”
AIP Advances 11, 125013 (2021)
- Itsushi Sakata, Takuya Sakata, Kohji Mizoguchi, Satoshi Tanaka, Goro Oohata, Ichiro Akai, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Yoshihiro Nagano, Masato Okada
“Complex Energies of the Coherent Logitudinal Optical Phonon-plasmon Coupled Mode According to Dynamic Mode Decomposition Analysis”
Scientific Reports 11, 23169 (2021)
- Kazunori Iwamitsu, Yudai Nishi, Taiga Yamasaki, Mao Kamezaki, Kyohei Higashiyama, Sho Yakura, Hiroyuki Kumazoe , Shingo Aihara, Kenji Nagata, Masato Okada , and Ichiro Akai
"Replica-Exchange Monte Carlo Method Incorporating Auto-tuning Algorithm Based on Acceptance Ratios for Effective Bayesian Spectroscopy"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 90, 104004 (2021)
- Atsushi Machida, Kenji Nagata, Ryo Murakami, Hiroshi Shinotsuka, Hayaru, Shouno, Hideki Yoshikawa & Masato Okada,
“Bayesian estimation for XPS spectral analysis at multiple core levels”
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods, 1, 1, 123-133(2021)
- Yuichi Yokoyama, Naruki Tsuji, Ichiro Akai, Kenji Nagata, Masato Okada, and Masaichiro Mizumaki
"Bayesian Orbital Decomposition and Determination of End Condition for Magnetic Compton Scattering"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 90, 094802 (2021)
- Tatsuya Yokoyama , Hiroshi Yamada , Akihiko Isayama , Ryoji Hiwatari , Shunsuke Ide , Go Matsunaga , Yuuya Miyoshi , Naoyuki Oyama , Naoto Imagawa , Yasuhiko Igarashi , Masato Okada
"Likelihood Identification of High-Beta Disruption in JT-60U"
Plasma and Fusion Research,16,1402073 (2021)
- Haruka Asanuma, Shiro Takagi, Yoshihiro Nagano, Yuki Yoshida, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Masato Okada
"Statistical Mechanical Analysis of Catastrophic Forgetting in Continual Learning with Teacher and Student Networks"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 90, 104001 (2021) - N. Wada, M. Mizumaki, Y. Seno, Y. Kimura, K. Amezawa, M. Okada, I. Akai, T. Aonishi
“Performance of Region-Based Markov Random Field with XY spins”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 90, 044003, (2021) - Y. Yokoyama, T. Uozumi, K. Nagata, M. Okada, and M. Mizumaki
“Bayesian Integration for Hamiltonian Parameters of X-ray Photoemission and Absorption Spectroscopy”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,90, 034703, (2021) - K. Okajima, K. Nagata, and M. Okada
“Fast Bayesian Deconvolution Using Simple Reversible Jump Moves”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,90, 034001, (2021) - R. Anzaki, S. Ito, H. Nagao, M. Mizumaki, M. Okada, I. Akai
“Phase prediction method for pattern formation in time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau dynamics for kinetic Ising model without a priori assumptions of domain patterns”
Phys. Rev. B 103, 094408 (2021) - Narihisa Matsumoto, Yoh-Ichi Mototake, Kenji Kawano, Masato Okada, Yasuko Sugase-Miyamoto
"Comparison of neuronal responses in primate inferior-temporal cortex and feed-forward deep neural network model with regard to information processing of faces. "
Journal of computational neuroscience, 49, 251–257 (2021) - Yuki Yoshida and Masato Okada
“Data-dependence of plateau phenomenon in learning with neural network—statistical mechanical analysis”
In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 1720–1728 (2020) - H. Sakamoto, S. Katakami, K. Muto, K. Nagata, T. Arima, and M. Okada
“Bayesian Parameter Estimation Using Dispersion Relation Spectra”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,89, 124002, (2020) - M Nakano, S Murphy, R Agata, Y Igarashi, M Okada, T Hori
“Self-similar stochastic slip distributions on a non-planar fault for tsunami scenarios for megathrust earthquakes”
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 7(1) (2020) - Junya Inoue, Masato Okada, Hiromichi Nagao, Hideo Yokota, Yoshitaka Adachi
“Development of Data-Driven System in Materials Integration”
MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 61(11) 2058-2066, (2020) - Nagano, Y., Karakida, R. & Okada,M
“Collective dynamics of repeated inference in variational autoencoder rapidly find cluster structure”
Sci Rep 10, 16001 (2020) - Y. Mototake, H. Izuno, K. Nagata, M. Demura, and M. Okada
“A universal Bayesian inference framework for complicated creep constitutive equations”
Scientific Reports, 10(1), (2020) - H. Kim, J. Inoue, T. Kasuya, M. Okada, and K. Nagata
“Bayesian inference of ferrite transformation kinetics from dilatometric measurement”
Computational Materials Science, 184, 109837, (2020) - Kazunori Iwamitsu, Masato Okada, Ichiro Akai
“Spectral decomposition of components weaker than noise intensity by Bayesian spectroscopy”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,89, 104004 (2020) - Hiroyuki Setoyama, Ichiro Akai, Kazunori Iwamitsu, Yuuki Miyata, Sho Yakura, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Masato Okada, and Toshihiro Okajima
“Application of Sparse Modeling to Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectra of Transition Metals”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,89, 074602 (2020) - Kazuki Nagai, Masato Anada, Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno, Masato Okada and Yusuke Wakabayashi
“Robust surface structure analysis with reliable uncertainty estimation using the exchange Monte Carlo method”
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 53 387-392 (2020) - I Akai, K Iwamitsu, Y Igarashi, M Okada, H Setoyama, T Okajima
“Analysis of extended X-ray absorption fine structure by sparse modeling”
Nippon Kessho Gakkai-Shi (Online) 62 (1) 2-9, (2020) - I. Sakata, Y. Nagano, Y. Igarashi, S. Murata, K. Mizoguchi, I. Akai, M. Okada
“Normal mode analysis of a relaxation process with Bayesian inference”
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 21(1) 67 - 78 (2020) - H. Shinotsuka, K. Nagata, H. Yoshikawa, Y. Mototake, H. Shouno and M. Okada
“Development of spectral decomposition based on Bayesian information criterion with estimation of confidence interval”
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 21, 402-419, (2020) - Tomofumi Nakayama, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Keitaro Sodeyama and Masato Okada
“Material search for Li-ion battery electrolytes through an exhaustive search with a Gaussian process”
Chemical Physics Letters, 731 136622-1-136622-7 (2019) - Shun Katakami, Hirotaka Sakamoto, and Masato Okada
“Bayesian Hyperparameter Estimation using Gaussian Process and Bayesian Optimization”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,88(7) 074001 - 074001 (2019) - Nagasawa, K., Suzuki, T., Seto, R., Okada, M., & Yue, Y
“Mixing sauces: a viscosity blending model for shear thinning fluids”
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 38(4)1-17, (2019) - Shiro Takagi, Yuki Yoshida and Masato Okada
“Impact of Layer Normalization on Single-Layer Perceptron ― Statistical Mechanical Analysis”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,88(7), 074003 (2019) - Masashi Yoshikawa, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Shin Murata, Toshitaka Baba, Takane Hori and Masato Okada
“A nonlinear parametric model based on power law for tsunami height prediction”
Marine Geophysical Research 40, 467–477(2019) - Kawamura, M., Hayashi, K., Uezu, T., & Okada, M
“Statistical mechanical evaluation of a spread-spectrum watermarking model with image restoration”
Phys. Rev. E 99, 062132 (2019) - Koki Obinata, Shun Katakami, Yonghao Yue and Masato Okada
“Ising Model Parameter Estimation with Confidence Evaluation Using the Exchange Monte Carlo Method”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,88(6), 064802, (2019) - Kenji Nagata, Rei Muraoka, Yoh-ichi Mototake, Takehiko Sasaki, and Masato Okada
“Bayesian Spectral Deconvolution Based on Poisson Distribution: Bayesian Measurement and Virtual Measurement Analytics (VMA)”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 88(4) 044003 - 044003 (2019) - Kensuke Muto, Hirotaka Sakamoto, Keisuke Matsuura, Taka-hisa Arima, Masato Okada
“Multidimensional Bin-Width Optimization for Histogram and Its Application to Four-Dimensional Neutron Inelastic Scattering Data”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 88(4) 044002 - 044002 (2019) - Yuki Yoshida, Ryo Karakida, Masato Okada and Shun-ichi Amari
“Statistical mechanical analysis of learning dynamics of two-layer perceptron with multiple output units”
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 52(18)184002 (2019) - Yoh-ichi Mototake, Masaichiro Mizumaki, Ichiro Akai, and Masato Okada
“Bayesian Hamiltonian Selection in X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 88(3) 034004 - 034004 (2019) - T Yokoyama, Y Miyoshi, R Hiwatari, A Isayama, G Matsunaga, N Oyama, Y Igarashi, M Okada, Y Ogawa
“Prediction of high-beta disruptions in JT-60U based on sparse modeling using exhaustive search”
Fusion Engineering and Design 140, 67-80 (2019) - Yokoyama, Y., Arima, T.H., Okada, M., & Yamasaki, Y
“Sparse Phase Retrieval Algorithm for Observing Isolated Magnetic Skyrmions by Coherent Soft X-ray Diffraction Imaging” Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 88(2) 024009 – 024009 (2019) - Hiroko Ichikawa*, Emi Nakato*, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Masato Okada, So Kanazawa, Masami K Yamaguchi, Ryusuke Kakigi (*Joint first authors),
“A longitudinal study of infant view-invariant face processing during the first 3 to 8 months of life”
NeuroImage, 186, 817-824, (2019) - Ishikawa, A., Sodeyama, K., Igarashi, Y., Nakayama, T., Tateyama, Y., & Okada, M
“Machine learning prediction of coordination energies for alkali group elements in battery electrolyte solvents”
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21(48), 26399-26405. (2019) - T Aonishi, K Mimura, M Okada, Y Yamamoto
“Statistical mechanics of CDMA multiuser detector implemented in coherent Ising machine”
Journal of Applied Physics 124 (23), 233102, (2018)
- T Aonishi, M Okada, K Mimura, Y Yamamoto
“Critical memory capacity of Hopfield model implemented in coherent Ising Machine”
Journal of Applied Physics 124 (15), 152129, (2018)
- Tomoyuki Obuchi, Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno, Masato Okada and Yoshiyuki Kabashima
“Statistical mechanical analysis of sparse linear regression as a variable selection problem”
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2018 103401 (2018)
- Yoh-ichi Mototake, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Hikaru Takenaka, Kenji Nagata and Masato Okada,
“Spectral Deconvolution through Bayesian LARS-OLS”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 87, 114004 (2018)
- Masato Anada, Kazuhiro Kowa, Hiroki Maeda, Enju Sakai, Miho Kitamura, Hiroshi Kumigashira, Osami Sakata, Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno, Masato Okada, Tsuyoshi Kimura, and Yusuke Wakabayashi
“Spatial coherence of the insulating phase in quasi-two-dimensional LaNiO3 films”
Physical Review B, 98(1), 014105, (2018)
- Yasuhisa Nakashima, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Yasushi Naruse and Masato Okada
“Robust One-dimensional Phase Unwrapping using a Markov Random Field Model”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 87(8) 084801 (2018)
- Keitaro Sodeyama, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Tomofumi Nakayama, Yoshitaka Tateyama, and Masato Okada
“Liquid electrolyte informatics using an exhaustive search with linear regression”
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20(35), 22585-22591, (2018)
- Iwamitsu Kazunori, Furukawa Yoshiaki, Nakayama Masaaki, Okada Masato, Akai Ichiro
“Bayesian Spectroscopy of Admixed Photoluminescence Spectra with Exciton, Biexciton and Electron Hole Droplet States in a GaAs/AlAs Type-II Superlattice”
Journal of Luminescence 197 18 - 22 (2018)
- Umehara Hiroaki, Okada Masato, Naruse Yasushi
“Sequential Bayesian Filters for Estimating Time Series of Wrapped and Unwrapped Angles with Hyperparameter Estimation”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 87(3) (2018)
- Junichi Taniguchi, Kyohei Tagawa, Masashi Yoshikawa, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Tsuneo Ohsumi, Hiroyuki Fujiwara, Takane Hori, Masato Okada, and Toshitaka Baba
“Selection of tsunami observation points suitable for database-driven prediction”
Journal of Disaster Research 13(2) 245-253 (2018)
- Takashi Sagawa, Ryota Mashiko, Yusuke Yokota, Yasushi Naruse, Masato Okada, Hiroaki Kojima
“Logistic regression of ligands of chemotaxis receptors offers clues about their recognition by bacteria”
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 5 (2018)
- Shun-ichi Amari, Tomoko Ozeki, Ryo Karakida, Yuki Yoshida, and Masato Okada
“Dynamics of Learning in MLP: Natural Gradient and Singularity Revisited”
Neural computation, 30(1), 1-33. (2018)
- Toshiki Nagasaki, Satoru Tokuda, Koji Nemoto, Masato Okada
“Theoretical Analysis of Bistability in Kuramoto Model with Connectivity-Frequency Correlations”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 87(1) (2018)
- Tatsuya Yokoyama, Takamitsu Sueyoshi, Yuya Miyoshi, Ryoji Hiwatari, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Masato Okada, and Yuichi Ogawa
“Disruption Prediction by Support Vector Machine and Neural Network with Exhaustive Search”
Plasma and Fusion Research, 13(2) 3405021 (2018)
- Ichiro Akai, Kazunori Iwamitsu, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Masato Okada, Hiroyuki Setoyama, Toshihiro Okajima and Yasuharu Hirai
“Sparse Modeling of an Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine-Structure Spectrum Based on a Single-Scattering Formalism”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 87(7), 074003 (2018)
- Shin Murata, Shingo Aihara, Satoru Tokuda, Kazunori Iwamitsu, Kohji Mizoguchi, Ichiro Akai, Masato Okada
“Analysis of Coherent Phonon Signals by Sparsity-promoting Dynamic Mode Decomposition”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 87(5)054003 (2018)
- Yasuhiko Igarashi, Hikaru Takenaka, Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno, Makoto Uemura, Shiro Ikeda, and Masato Okada
“Exhaustive Search for Sparse Variable Selection in Linear Regression”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 87(4) 044802 (2018)
- Tatsu Kuwatani, Kenji Nagata, Kenta Yoshida, Masato Okada and Mitsuhiro Toriumi
“Bayesian probabilistic reconstruction of metamorphic P–T paths using inclusion geothermobarometry”
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 113(2) 82 – 95(2018)
- Hirotaka Sakamoto, Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno, Masato Okada
“Influence of averaging preprocessing on image analysis with a Markov random field model”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 87(2)024802(2018)
- Masato Anada, Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno, Masato Okada, Tsuyoshi Kimura and Yusuke Wakabayashi
“Bayesian inference of metal oxide ultrathin film structure based on crystal truncation rod measurements”
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 50 1611 – 1616(2017)
- Toru Aonishi, Kazushi Mimura, Shoko Utsunomiya, Masato Okada, and Yoshihisa Yamamoto
“Statistical Mechanics of Coherent Ising Machine — The Case of Ferromagnetic and Finite-Loading Hopfield Models —”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 86(10)104002(2017)
- Toshiaki Omori, Tomoki Sekiguchi, Masato Okada
“Belief propagation for probabilistic slow feature analysis”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 86(8)084802 (2017)
- R. Nakata, H. Hino, T. Kuwatani, S. Yoshioka, M. Okada, and T. Hori
“Discontinuous boundaries of slow slip events beneath the Bungo Channel, southwest Japan”
Scientific Reports, 7, 6129 (2017)
- Shun Katakami, Hirotaka Sakamoto, Shin Murata, and Masato Okada
“Gaussian Markov random field model without boundary conditions”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 86(6) 064801(2017)
- S. Aihara, M. Hamamoto, K. Iwamitsu, M. Okada, and I. Akai
“High precision modeling of a damped oscillation in coherent phonon signals by Bayesian inference”
AIP Advances, 7(4) 045107 (2017)
- Yuki Yoshida, Ryo Karakida, Masato Okada, Shun-ichi Amari
“Statistical Mechanical Analysis of Online Learning with Weight Normalization in Single Layer Perceptron”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 86 (10) 1044002 (2017)
- Hiroaki Umehara, Masato Okada, Jun-nosuke Teramae, and Yasushi Naruse
“Macroscopic neural mass model constructed from a current-based network model of spiking neurons”
Biological Cybenetics, 111(1) 91 - 103 (2017)
- Kazuyuki Hara, Kentaro Katahira, and Masato Okada
“Statistical Mechanics of Node-perturbation Learning with Noisy Baseline”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 86(2) 024002 (2017)
- Satoru Tokuda, Kenji Nagata, and Masato Okada
“Simultaneous estimation of noise variance and number of peaks in Bayesian spectral deconvolution”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,86(2) 024001 (2017)
- Hoheok Kim, Junya Inoue, Masato Okada, and Kenji Nagata
“Prediction of Ac-3 and Martensite Start Temperatures by a Data-driven Model Selection Approach”
ISIJ International, 57(12) 2229 - 2236 (2017)
- Hikaru Takenaka, Kenji Nagata, Takashi Mizokawa, Masato Okada
“Bayesian Approach to Effective Model of NiGa2S4 Triangular Lattice with Boltzmann Factor”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,85(12) 124003 (2016) - Yasuhiko Igarashi, Takane Hori, Shin Murata, Kenichiro Sato, Toshitaka Baba, and Masato Okada
“Maximum tsunami height prediction using pressure gauge data by a Gaussian process at Owase in the Kii Peninsula, Japan”
Marine Geophysical Research, 37(4), 361, (2016) - Shin Murata, Kenji Nagata, Makoto Uemura, and Masato Okada
“Extraction of Latent Dynamical Structure from Time-series Spectral Data”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,85(10), 104003, (2016) - Kazunori Iwamitsu, Shingo Aihara, Masato Okada, and Ichiro Akai
“Bayesian Analysis of an Excitonic Absorption Spectrum in a Cu2O Thin Film Sandwiched by Paired MgO Plates”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,85(9), 094716, (2016) - Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno, Masahiro Haze, Yasuo Yoshida, Koji Hukushima, Yukio Hasegawa, and Masato Okada
“Compressed sensing in scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy for observation of quasi-particle interference”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,85(9), 093702, (2016) - Ryo Karakida, Masato Okada, and Shun-ichi Amari
“Dynamical analysis of contrastive divergence learning: Restricted Boltzmann machines with Gaussian visible units Learning Systems”
Neural Networks, 79(2016), 78-87, (2016) - Yoshihiro Nagano, Ryo Karakida, Norifumi Watanabe, Atsushi Aoyama, Masato Okada
“Input Response of Neural Network Model with Lognormally Distributed Synaptic Weights”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,85(7), 074001, (2016) - Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno, Tomoyuki Obuchi, Masato Okada, and Yoshiyuki Kabashima
“Sparse approximation based on a random overcomplete basis”
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2016, 063302, (2016) - Yuichi Yamashita, Tomomi Fujimura, Kentaro Katahira, Manabu Honda, Masato Okada, Kazuo Okanoya
“Context sensitivity in the detection of changes in facial emotion”
Scientific Reports, 6, 27798, (2016) - Hirotaka Sakamoto, Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno, Masato Okada
“Theory of distribution estimation of hyperparameters in Markov random field models”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,85(6), 063801, (2016) - Peng K. Hong, Hideaki Miyamoto, Takafumi Niihara, Seiji Sugita, Kenji Nagata, James M. Dohm and Masato Okada
“An automatic deconvolution method for modified Gaussian model using the exchange Monte Carlo method: application to reflectance spectra of synthetic clinopyroxene”
Journal of Geology & Geophysics, 5(3), 1000243, (2016) - Ryoko Nakata, Tatsu Kuwatani, Masato Okada, and Takane Hori
“Geodetic inversion for spatial distribution of slip under smoothness, discontinuity, and sparsity constraints”
Earth, Planets and Space, 68:20, 1-10, (2016) - Hiroshi Saito, Ken Takiyama, and Masato Okada
“Estimation of State Transition Probabilities: A Neural Network Model”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,84, 124801, (2015) - Kentaro Katahira, Yoshi-Taka Matsuda, Tomomi Fujimura, Kenich Ueno, Takeshi Asamizuya, Chisato Suzuki, Kang Cheng, Kazuo Okanoya, and Masato Okada
“Neural basis of decision-making guided by emotional outcomes”
Journal of Neurophysiology, 113(9), 3056-3068, (2015) - Tatsuya Uezu, Tomoyuki Kimoto, Shuji Kiyokawa and Masato Okada
“Correspondence between phase oscillator network and classical XY model with the same infinite-range interaction in statics”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,84(3), 033001, (2015) - Yasushi Naruse, Ken Takiyama, Masato Okada, Hiroaki Umehara and Yutaka Sakaguchi
“Phase shifts in alpha-frequency rhythm detected in electroencephalograms influence reaction time”
Neural Networks, 62, 47-51, (2015) - Kenji Nagata, Jun Kitazono, Shin-ichi Nakajima, Satoshi Eifuku, Ryoi Tamura and Masato Okada
“An exhaustive search and stability of sparse estimation for feature selection problem”
IPSJ Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and Its Applications, 8(2), 23-30, (2015) - Maeshima H, Yamashita Y, Fujimura T, Okada M, Okanoya K
“Modulation of Emotional Category Induced by Temporal Factors in Emotion Recognition”
PloS one 10(7) e0131636 (2015) - Yuichi Katori, Yosuke Otsubo, Masato Okada, Kazuyuki Aihara
“Associative Memory Network with Dynamic Synapses”
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (IV) 479 - 483 (2015) - Shin Murata, Yosuke Otsubo, Kenji Nagata, Masato Okada
“Oscillations in spurious states of the associative memory model with synaptic depression”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,83(12)124004 (2014) - Hikaru Takenaka, Kenji Nagata, Takashi Mizokawa, Masato Okada
“Model selection of NiGa2S4 triangular lattice by Bayesian inference”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,83(12)124706(2014) - Kentaro Katahira, Tomomi Fujimura, Yoshi-Taka Matsuda, Kazuo Okanoya and Masato Okada
“Individual differences in heart rate variability are associated with the avoidance of negative emotional events”
Biological Psychology,103, 322-331(2014) - Tatsu Kuwatani, Kenji Nagata, Masato Okada, Takahiro Watanabe, Yasumasa Ogawa, Takeshi Komai and Noriyoshi Tsuchiya
“Machine-learning techniques for geochemical discrimination of 2011 Tohoku tsunami deposits”
Scientific Report, 4, 7077(2014) - Tatsu Kuwatani, Kenji Nagata, Masato Okada and Mitsuhiro Toriumi
“Markov random field modeling for linear seismic tomography”
Physical Review E, 90(4) 042137(2014) - Kensuke Wakasugi, Tatsu Kuwatani, Kenji Nagata, Hideki Asoh and Masato Okada
“Verification of effectiveness of a probabilistic algorithm for latent structure extraction using an associative memory model”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,83(10)104801(2014) - Hiroshi Sekiguchi, Yasuhito Suzuki, Yuri Nishino, Suzuko, Kobayashi, Yoshiko Shimoyama, Weiyan Cai, Kenji Nagata, Masato Okada, Kouhei Ichiyanagi, Noboru Ohta, Naoto Yagi, Atsuo Miyazawa, Tai Kubo and Yuji Sasaki
“Real time ligand-induced motion mappings of AChBP and nAChR using X-ray single molecule tracking”
Scientific Reports, 4, 6384(2014) - Yosuke Otsubo, Jun-ichi Inoue, Kenji Nagata and Masato Okada
“Code-division multiple-access multiuser demodulator by using quantum fluctuations”
Physical Review E, 90, 012126(2014) - Hiroko Ichikawa, Jun Kitazono, Kenji Nagata, Akira Manda, Keiichi Shimamura, Ryouichi Sakuta, Masato Okada, Masami K Yamaguchi, So Kanazawa and Ryusuke Kakigi
“Novel method to classify hemodynamic response obtained using multi-channel fNIRS measurements into two groups: Exploring the combinations of channels”
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8, 480, (2014) - Kazushi Mimura and Masato Okada
“Generating functional analysis for iterative CDMA multiuser detectors”
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 60(6)3645-3670, (2014) - Tatsu Kuwatani, Kenji Nagata, Masato Okada and Mitsuhiro Toriumi
“Markov random field modeling for mapping geofluid distributions from seismic velocity structures”
Earth, Planets and Space, 66(5), 1-9, (2014) - Hiroshi Saito, Kentaro Katahira, Kazuo Okanoya, Masato Okada
“Bayesian deterministic decision making: a normative account of the operant matching law and heavy-tailed reward history dependency of choices”
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 8(18), 1-7, (2014) - Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno, Kenji Nagata, Hayaru Shouno and Masato Okada
“Distribution estimation of hyperparameters in Markov random field models”
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 47(4), 045001(2014) - Shimpei Yotsukura, Toshiaki Omori, Kenji Nagata and Masato Okada
“Sparse estimation of spike-triggered average”
IPSJ Online Transactions 7(1)15-21 (2014) - Satoru Tokuda, Kenji Nagata, Masato Okada
“A numerical analysis of learning coefficient in radial basis function network”
IPSJ Online Transactions 7(1) 20-26 (2014) -
Tomoyuki Kimoto, Tatsuya Uezu and Masato Okada
“Continuous attractor that appears in auto-associative memory model extended to XY spin system”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,82(12)124002 (2013)
Satoru Tokuda, Kenji Nagata and Masato Okada
“A numerical analysis of learning coefficient in radial basis function network”
IPSJ Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and Its Applications, 6(3), 117-123(2013)
Yoshi-Taka Matsuda, Tomomi Fujimura, Kentaro Katahira, Masato Okada, Kenichi Ueno, Kang Cheng and Kazuo Okanoya
“The implicit processing of categorical and dimensional strategies: an fMRI study of facial emotion perception”
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 551(2013)
Tatsuya Uezu, Tomoyuki Kimoto, Masato Okada
“Analysis of a solvable model of a phase oscillator network on a circle with infinite-range Mexican-hat-type interaction”
Physical Review E 88(3) (2013)
Itsuki Yamashita, Kentaro Katahira, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Kazuo Okanoya and Masato Okada
“Recurrent network for multisensory integration-Identification of common sources of audiovisual stimuli"
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 7, 101(2013)
Hiroyuki Kato, Masato Okada and Seiji Miyoshi
“Replica analysis of multiuser detection for code division multiple access with M-ary phase-shift keying”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,82(7) 078402(2013)
Ryo Karakida, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Kenji Nagata and Masato Okada
“Inter-layer correlation in a feed-forward network with intra-layer common noise”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,82(6)064007(2013)
Kazuyuki Hara, Kentaro Katahira, Kazuo Okanoya and Masato Okada
“Statistical mechanics of node-perturbation learning for nonlinear perceptron”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,82(5)054001(2013)
Yasushi Naruse, Ken Takiyama, Masato Okada and Hiroaki Umehara
“Statistical method for detecting phase shifts in alpha rhythm from human electroencephalogram data”
Physical Review E, 87(4)042708 (2013)
Hiroki Terashima, Haruo Hosoya, Toshiki Tani, Noritaka Ichinohe and Masato Okada
“Sparse coding of harmonic vocalization in monkey auditory cortex”
Neurocomputing, 103, 14-21, (2013)
Hiroyuki Kato, Masato Okada and Seiji Miyoshi
“Self-Consistent Signal-to-Noise Analysis of CDMA multiuser detection with M-ary phase-shift keying”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,82(2)023802 (2013)
Yuichi Katori, Yosuke Otsubo, Masato Okada and Kazuyuki Aihara
“Stability analysis of associative memory network composed of stochastic neurons and dynamic synapses”
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 7(6)00006 (2013)
Takayuki Sato, Go Uchida, Mark D. Lescroart, Jun Kitazono, Masato Okada and Manabu Tanifuji
“Object representation in inferior temporal cortex is organized hierarchically in a mosaic-like structure”
The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(42)16642-16656 (2013)
T. Omori, T. Aonishi, M. Okada
“Statistical Estimation of Non-Uniform Dendritic Membrane Properties”
Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics(Ⅲ) 649-655 (2013)
Yosuke Otsubo, Jun-ichi Inoue, Kenji Nagata and Masato Okada
“Effect of quantum fluctuation in error-correcting codes”
Physical Review E, 86(5)051138 (2012)
Keisuke Ota, Toshiaki Omori, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa, Masato Okada and Toru Aonishi
“Higher-order spike triggered analysis of neural oscillators”
PLoS One, 7(11), e50232 (2012)
Yuichi Katori, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Masato Okada and Kazuyuki Aihara
“Stability analysis of stochastic neural network with depression and facilitation synapses”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,81(11)114007 (2012)
Yoichi Miyawaki, Takashi Shinozaki and Masato Okada
“Spike suppression in a local cortical circuit induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation”
Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 33(2), 405-419 (2012)
Tatsuya Uezu, Tomoyuki Kimoto and Masato Okada
“Solvable model of a phase oscillator network on a circle with Infinite-range mexican-hat-type interaction”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,81(7)073001 (2012)
Tatsuya Uezu, Tomoyuki Kimoto and Masato Okada
“Analysis of XY Model with Mexican-Hat Interaction on a Circle
–Derivation of Saddle Point Equations and Study of Bifurcation Structure–“
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,81(6) 064001 (2012)
Yoshinori Ohno, Kenji Nagata, Tatsu Kuwatani, Hayaru Shouno and Masato Okada
“Deterministic algorithm for nonlinear Markov random field model”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,81(6) 064006 (2012)
Ken Takiyama and Masato Okada
“Recovery in stroke rehabilitation through the rotation of preferred directions induced by bimanual movements: A Computational Study”
PLoS One, 7(5), e37594 (2012)
Kenji Nagata, Seiji Sugita and Masato Okada
“Bayesian spectral deconvolution with the exchange Monte Carlo method”
Neural Networks, 28, 82-89 (2012)
Tatsu Kuwatani, Kenji Nagata, Masato Okada and Mitsuhiro Toriumi
“Precise estimation of pressure-temperature paths from zoned minerals using markov random field modeling: theory and synthetic inversion”
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 163(3), 547-562 (2012)
Masafumi Oizumi, Ryota Satoh, Hokto Kazama and Masato Okada
“Functional differences between global pre- and postsynaptic inhibition in the Drosophila olfactory circuit”
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 6(14) (2012)
Ken Takiyama and Masato Okada
“Maximization of learning speed in the motor cortex due to neuronal redundancy”
PLoS Computational Biology, 8(1) e1002348 (2012)
Yasuhiko Igarashi, Masafumi Oizumi and Masato Okada
“Theory of correlation in a network with synaptic depression”
Physical Review E, 85(1) 016108 (2012)
Jun Kitazono, Toshiaki Omori, Toru Aonishi and Masato Okada
“Estimating membrane resistance over dendrite using Markov random field”
IPSJ Online Transactions 5(0), 186-191, (2012)
Kentaro Katahira, Kazuo Okanoya and Masato Okada
“Statistical mechanics of reward-modulated learning in decision-making networks”
Neural Computation, 24(5), 1230-1270, (2012)
Tomomi Fujimura, Yoshi-Taka Matsuda, Kentaro Katahira, Masato Okada and Kazuo Okanoya
“Categorical and dimensional perceptions in decoding emotional facial expressions”
Cognition and Emotion, 26(4), (2012)
Kazuho Watanabe and Masato Okada
“Approximate Bayesian Estimation of Varying Binomial Process”
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E94-A (12), 2879-2885 (2011)
Kazuho Watanabe, Masato Okada and Kazushi Ikeda
“Divergence measures and a general framework for local variational approximation”
Neural Networks, 24(10), 1102-1109 (2011)
Keisuke Ota, Toshiaki Omori, Shigeo Watanabe, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa, Masato Okada and Toru Aonishi
“Measurement of infinitesimal phase response curves from noisy real neurons”
Physical Review E, 84(4), 041902, (2011)
Kentaro Katahira, Kenta Suzuki, Kazuo Okanoya and Masato Okada
“Complex sequencing rules of birdsong can be explained by simple hidden Markov processes”
PLoS ONE, 6(9), e24516, (2011)
Ryota Hasegawa, Masato Okada and Seiji Miyoshi
“Image segmentation using region-based latent variables and belief propagation”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,80(9), 093802, (2011)
Yosuke Otsubo, Kenji Nagata, Masafumi Oizumi and Masato Okada
“Influence of synaptic depression on memory storage capacity”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,80 (8), 084004, (2011)
Tomoyuki Kimoto, Tatsuya Uezu and Masato Okada
“Analysis of XY model with mexican-hat interaction on a circle”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,80(7), 074005, (2011)
Hiroshi Saito, Kentaro Katahira, Kazuo Okanoya and Masato Okada
“Statistical mechanics of structural and temporal credit assignment effects on learning in neural networks”
Physical Review E, 83(5), 051125, (2011)
Ken Takiyama and Masato Okada
“Detection of hidden structures in nonstationary spike trains”
Neural Computation, 23(5), 1205-1233, (2011)
Tatsuya Cho, Kentaro Katahira, Kazuo Okanoya and Masato Okada
“Node perturbation learning without noiseless baseline”
Neural Networks, 24(3), 267-272, 1022, (2011)
Masafumi Oizumi, Masato Okada and Shun-ichi Amari
“Information loss associated with imperfect observation and mismatched decoding”
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 5(9), (2011)
Kazushi Mimura, Florent Cousseau and Masato Okada
“Belief propagation for error correcting codes and lossy compression using multilayer perceptrons”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,80(3), 034802, (2011)
Seiji Miyoshi and Masato Okada
“Image restoration and segmentation using region-based latent variables: Bayesian inference based on variational method”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,80(1), 014802, (2011)
Kazuyuki Hara, Kentaro Katahira, Kazuo Okanoya and Masato Okada
“Statistical mechanics of on-line node-perturbation learning"
IPSJ Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and Its Applications, 4(1), 72-81,(2011)
Kentaro Katahira, Tomomi Fujimura, Kazuo Okanoya and Masato Okada
“Decision-making based on emotional images”
Frontiers in Emotion Science, 2, 311, (2011)
Hayaru Shouno, Madomi Yamasaki and Masato Okada
“A Bayesian hyper-parameter inference for Radon transformed image reconstruction”
International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, 2011, 879252, (2011)
Ryota Hasegawa, Ken Takiyama, Masato Okada, Seiji Miyoshi
“Image Segmentation and Restoration Using Switching State-Space Model and Variational Bayesian Method”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,81(9) 1-94802, (2011)
Takamasa Tsunoda, Toshiaki Omori, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa, Masato Okada and Toru Aonishi
“Estimation of intracellular calcium ion concentration by nonlinear state space modeling and EM algorithm for parameter estimation”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,79(12), 124801, (2010) -
Satohiro Tajima, Hiromasa Takemura, Ikuya Murakami and Masato Okada
“Neuronal population decoding explains the change in signal detection sensitivity caused by task-irrelevant perceptual bias”
Neural Computation, 22(10), 2586-2614, (2010) -
Kentaro Katahira, Jun Nishikawa, Kazuo Okanoya and Masato Okada
“Extracting state transition dynamics from multiple spike trains using hidden Markov models with correlated Poisson distribution”
Neural Computation, 22(9), 2369-2389, (2010) -
Yosuke Otsubo, Kenji Nagata, Masafumi Oizumi and Masato Okada
“Instabilities in associative memory model with synaptic depression and switching phenomena among attractors”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,79(8), 084002, (2010) -
Yasuhiko Igarashi, Masafumi Oizumi and Masato Okada
“Mean field analysis of stochastic neural network models with synaptic depression”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,79(8), 084001, (2010) -
Narihisa Matsumoto, Shotaro Akaho, Yasuko Sugase-Miyamoto and Masato Okada
“Visualization of multi-neuron activity by simultaneous optimization of clustering and dimension reduction”
Neural Networks, 23(6), 743-751, (2010) -
Hayaru Shouno and Masato Okada
“Bayesian image restoration for medical images using Radon transform”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,79(7), 074004, (2010) -
Naruse Yasushi, Takiyama Ken, Okada Masato and Murata Tsutomu
“Inference in alpha rhythm phase and amplitude modeled on Markov random field using belief propagation from electroencephalograms”
Physical Review E, 82(1), 011912, (2010) -
Hiroshi Saito, Kentaro Katahira, Kazuo Okanoya and Masato Okada
“Statistical mechanics of the delayed reward-based Learning with node perturbation”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,79(6), 064003, (2010) -
Tomoyuki Kimoto, Tatsuya Uezu and Masato Okada
“Stability Analysis of Attractor Neural Network Model of Inferior Temporal Cortex-Relationship between Attractor Stability and Learning Order“
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,9(6), 064001, (2010) -
Ryota Satoh#, Masafumi Oizumi#, Hokto Kazama and Masato Okada
“Mechanisms of maximum information preservation in the Drosophila antennal lobe”
PLoS ONE, 5(5), e10644, (2010)
#These authors equally contributed to this work. -
Masafumi Oizumi, Keiji Miura and Masato Okada
“Analytical investigation of the effects of lateral connections on the accuracy of population coding”
Physical Review E, 81(5), 051905, (2010) -
Yasushi Naruse, Aymu Matani, Yoichi Miyawaki and Masato Okada
“Influence of coherence between multiple cortical columns on alpha rhythm: A computational modeling study”
Human Brain Mapping, 31(5), 703-715, (2010) -
Kentaro Katahira, Tatsuya Cho, Kazuo Okanoya and Masato Okada
“Optimal node perturbation in linear perceptrons with uncertain eligibility trace”
Neural Networks, 23(2), 219-225, (2010) -
Satohiro Tajima and Masato Okada
“Discriminating natural image statistics from neuronal population codes”
PLoS ONE, 5(3), e9704, (2010) -
Masafumi Oizumi, Toshiyuki Ishi, Kazuya Ishibashi, Toshihiko Hosoya and Masato Okada
“Mismatched decoding in the brain”
Journal of Neuroscience, 30(13), 4815-4826, (2010) -
Yukihiro Tsuboshita and Masato Okada
“Statistical-mechanical analysis of attractor dynamics in a hysteretic neuron network”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,79(2), 024002, (2010) -
Hiromu Monai, Toshiaki Omori, Masato Okada, Masashi Inoue, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa and Toru Aonishi
“An analytic solution of the cable equation predicts frequency preference of a passive shunt-end cylindrical cable in response to extracellular oscillating electric fields”
Biophysical Journal, 98(4), 524-533, (2010) -
Toshiaki Omori, Toru Aonishi and Masato Okada
“Switch of encoding characteristics in single neurons by subthreshold and suprathreshold stimuli”
Physical Review E, 81, 021901, (2010) -
Florent Cousseau, Kazushi Mimura, Masato Okada
“Statistical mechanics of an error correcting code using monotonic and nonmonotonic treelike multilayer perceptrons”
Physical Review E, 81, 021104, (2010) -
Tatsuya Uezu, Kei Abe, Seiji Miyoshi and Masato Okada
“Statistical mechanical study of partial annealing of a neural network model”
Journal of Physics A, 43, 025004, (2010) -
Takashi Shinozaki, Masato Okada, Alex D. Reyes and Hideyuki Cateau
“Flexible traffic control of the synfire-mode transmission by inhibitory modulation: Nonlinear noise reduction”
Physical Review E, 81, 011913, (2010) -
Ota Keisuke, Omori Toshiaki, Watanabe Shigeo, Miyakawa Hiroyoshi, Okada Masato, Aonishi Toru
“Derivation of the neural feature space for oscillating neurons from spike triggered covariance”
Neuroscience Research, 68(1), e435, (2010) -
Aonishi Toru, Tsunoda Takamasa, Omori Toshiaki, Okada Masato, Miyakawa Hiroyoshi, Ota Keisuke
“Bayesian method and dynamic clamp technique to measure neural phase-response curves”
Neuroscience Research, 68(1), e46, (2010) -
Toshiaki Omori, Toru Aonishi, Masato Okada
“Estimation of non-uniform membrane properties over the dendrite: A statistical approach using data assimilation method”
Neuroscience Research, 68(1), e111, (2010) -
Takamasa Tsunoda, Toshiaki Omori, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa, Masato Okada, Toru Aonishi
“Quantitative estimation of Ca2+ concentrations with simple state space model of calcium imaging signals”
Neuroscience Research, 68 (1), e107, (2010) -
Takamasa Tsunoda, Yoshiaki Oda, Toshiaki Omori, Masato Okada, Masashi Inoue, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa and Toru Aonishi
“Statistical calibration method for physiological Ca2+ fluorescence signals”
Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems, 11(1), 29-34, (2010) -
Kazuyuki Hara, Yoichi Nakayama, Seiji Miyoshi and Masato Okada
Statistical mechanics of on-line mutual learning with many linear perceptrons
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,78(11), 114001, (2009) -
Kazuho Watanabe, Shotaro Akaho, Shinichiro Omachi and Masato Okada
“Variational Bayesian mixture model on a subspace of exponential family distributions”
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 20(11), 1783-1796, (2009) -
Shigeo Takahashi, Issei Fujishiro and Masato Okada
“Applying manifold learning to plotting approximate contour trees”
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 15(6), (2009) -
Jun Kitazono, Toshiaki Omori and Masato Okada
“Neural network model with discrete and continuous information representation”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,78(11), 114801, (2009) -
Yohei Saika, Jun-ichi Inoue, Hiroyuki Tanaka and Masato Okada
“Bayes-optimal solution to inverse halftoning based on statistical mechanics of the Q-Ising model”
Central European Journal of Physics, 7(3), 444-456, (2009) -
Hiromu Monai, Toshiaki Omori, Masato Okada, Masashi Inoue, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa, Toru Aonishi
“An analytical solution of the cable equation predicts frequency preference of a cylindrical cable in response to extracellular electrical fields”
Neuroscience Research, 65, S136 - S136, (2009) -
Kazuho Watanabe, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Keiji Miura and Masato Okada
“Transfer matrix method for instantaneous spike rate estimation”
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E92.D(7), 1392-1368, (2009) -
Ken Takiyama, Kentaro Katahira and Masato Okada
“Exact inference in discontinuous firing rate estimation using belief propagation”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,78(6), 064003, (2009) -
Ken Takiyama, Yasushi Naruse and Masato Okada
“Statistical mechanics of Mexican-hat-type horizontal connection”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,78(6), 064002, (2009) -
Seiji Miyoshi and Masato Okada
“Effect of slow switching of ensemble teachers in on-line learning”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,78(5), 053001, (2009) -
Toshiaki Omori, Toru Aonishi, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa, Masashi Inoue and Masato Okada
“Steep decrease in the specific membrane resistance in the apical dendrites of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons”
Neuroscience Research, 64(1), 83-95, (2009) -
Takamasa Tsunoda, Toshiaki Omori, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa, Masato Okada, Toru Aonishi
“Estimation of intracellular calcium ion concentration and Ca influx by nonlinear state space modeling”
Neuroscience Research, 65(1), S84, (2009) -
Tomoyuki Kimoto, Tatsuya Uezu and Masato Okada
“Multiple stability of a sparsely encoded attractor neural network model for the inferior temporal cortex”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,77(12), 124002, (2008) -
Kosuke Hamaguchi, Hiromitsu Urano and Masato Okada
“Effect of asymmetry in a binary state on the collective behavior of a system with spatially modulated interaction and quenched randomness”
Physical Review E, 78, 051124, (2008) -
Florent Cousseau, Kazushi Mimura, Toshiaki Omori and Masato Okada
“Statistical mechanics of lossy compression for nonmonotonic multilayer perceptrons”
Physical Review E, 78, 021124, (2008) -
Jun Nishikawa, Masato Okada and Kazuo Okanoya
“Population coding of song element sequence in the Bengalese finch HVC”
European Journal of Neuroscience, 27(12), 3273-3283, (2008) -
Masafumi Oizumi, Yoichi Miyawaki and Masato Okada
“Rate reduction for associative memory model in Hodgkin-Huxley-type network”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,77(6), 064802, (2008) -
Satohiro Tajima, Masato Inoue and Masato Okada
“Bayesian-optimal image reconstruction for translational-symmetric filters”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,77(5), 054803, (2008) -
Hiroyuki Tanaka, Keiji Miura and Masato Okada
“Image restoration with a truncated Gaussian model”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,77(3), 034003, (2008) -
Keiji Miura, Yasuhiro Tsubo, Masato Okada and Tomoki Fukai
“Balanced excitatory and inhibitory inputs to cortical neurons decouple firing irregularity from rate modulations”
Journal of Neuroscience, 27, 13802-13812, (2007) -
Kazuya Ishibashi, Kosuke Hamaguchi and Masato Okada
“Sparse and dense encoding in layered associative network of spiking neurons”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,76(12), 124801, (2007) -
Kentaro Katahira, Kazuo Okanoya and Masato Okada
“A neural network model for generating complex birdsong syntax”
Biological Cybernetics, 97, 441-448, (2007) -
Tatsuya Uezu, Seiji Miyoshi, Mika Izuo and Masato Okada
“Theory of time domain ensemble on-line learning of Perceptron under the existence of external noise”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,76(11), 114006, (2007) -
Hideto Utsumi, Seiji Miyoshi and Masato Okada
“Statistical mechanics of nonlinear on-line learning for ensemble teachers”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,76(11), 114001, (2007) -
Kosuke Hamaguchi, Masato Okada and Kazuyuki Aihara
“Variable timescales of repeated spike patterns in synfire chain with mexican-hat connectivity”
Neural Computation, 19(9), 2468-2491, (2007) -
Narihisa Matsumoto, Daisuke Ide, Masataka Watanabe and Masato Okada
“Retrieval property of attractor network with synaptic depression”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,76(8), 084005, (2007) -
Naoki Masuda, Masato Okada and Kazuyuki Aihara
“Filtering of spatial bias and noise inputs by locally connected neural networks”
Neural Computation, 19(7), 1854-1870, (2007) -
Kenji Morita, Masato Okada and Kazuyuki Aihara
“Selectivity and stability via dendritic nonlinearity”
Neural Computation, 19(7), 1798-1853, (2007) -
Mika Yoshida, Tatsuya Uezu, Toshiyuki Tanaka and Masato Okada
“Statistical mechanical study of CDMA multiuser detectors –Analysis of RS and 1RSB solutions–”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,76(5), 054003, (2007) -
Masafumi Oizumi, Yoichi Miyawaki and Masato Okada
“Higher order effects on rate reduction for networks of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,76(4), 044803, (2007) -
Kentaro Katahira, Masaki Kawamura, Kazuo Okanoya and Masato Okada
“Retrieval of branching sequences in an associative memory model with common external input and bias input”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 76(4), 044804, (2007) -
Takashi Shinozaki, Hideyuki Cateau, Hidetoshi Urakubo and Masato Okada
“Controlling synfire chain by inhibitory synaptic input”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,76(4), 044806, (2007) -
Kazuyuki Hara and Masato Okada
“Statistical mechanics of mutual learning with a latent teacher”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,76(1), 014001, (2007)
Shinpei Hara, Yuta Akira, Eisuke Ishii, Masato Inoue and Masato Okada
“LDPC decoding dynamics from a PCA viewpoint”
Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, 13(1), 43-48, (2007) -
Sei Suzuki and Masato Okada
“Study on quantum annealing using the density matrix renormalization group”
Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, 13(1), 49-55, (2007) -
Seiji Miyoshi, Masato Okada
“Statistical mechanics of linear and nonlinear time-domain ensemble learning” Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,75(12), 124002 (2006) -
Masaki Kawamura and Masato Okada
“Stochastic transitions of attractors in associative memory models with correlated noise”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 75(12), 124063, (2006) -
Kazuya Ishibashi, Kosuke Hamaguchi and Masato Okada
“Theory of interaction of memory patterns in layered associative networks”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 75 (11), 114803, (2006) -
Sawako Tanimoto, Masato Okada, Tomoyuki Kimoto and Tatsuya Uezu
“Distinction of coexistent attractors in an attractor neural network model using a relaxation process of fluctuations in firing rates - Analysis with statistical mechanics”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,75(10), 104004, (2006) -
Toshiaki Omori, Toru Aonishi, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa, Masashi Inoue and Masato Okada
“Estimated distribution of specific membrane resistance in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neuron”
Brain Research,1125(1), 199-208, (2006) -
Keiji Miura, Masato Okada, and Shun-ichi Amari
“Estimating spiking irregularities under changing environments”
Neural Computation, 18(10) 2359 -2386 (2006)
Nuroscience Reserch 55(10) S142 - S142 (2006) -
Masato Inoue, Koji Hukushima and Masato Okada
“Analysis method combining Monte Carlo simulation and principal component analysis - Application to Sourlas code”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,75(8), 084003, (2006) -
Kazushi Mimura and Masato Okada
“Statistical mechanics of lossy compression using multilayer perceptrons”
Physical Review E, 74, 026108, (2006) -
Seiji Miyoshi, Tatsuya Uezu and Masato Okada
“Statistical mechanics of time-domain ensemble learning”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,75(8), 084007, (2006) -
Masami Takata, Hayaru Shouno, Masato Okada
“Naive mean field approximation for sourlas error correcting code”
IEICE transactions on information and system, 89D (8) 2439 - 2447 (2006) -
Kosuke Hamaguchi, Jonathan PL Hatchett and Masato Okada
“Analytic solution of neural network with disordered lateral inhibition”
Physical Review E, 73(5), 051104, (2006) -
Jonathan PL Hatchett and Masato Okada
“Dynamical replica theoretic analysis of CDMA detection dynamics”
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 39 (15), 3883-3902, (2006) -
Masahiro Urakami, Seiji Miyoshi and Masato Okada
“Statistical mechanics of on-line learning when a moving teacher goes around an unlearnable true teacher”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,76(4), 044003, (2006) -
Toru Aonishi, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa, Masashi Inoue, Masato Okada
“Balancing Na and A currents controls dendritic integration”
Neuroscience Research, 55, S139 (2006) -
Seiji Miyoshi, Kazuyuki Hara and Masato Okada
“Analysis of ensemble learning using simple perceptrons based on on-line learning theory”
Systems and Systems and Computers in Japan, 36(12), 63-74, (2005) -
Invited review paper
Masato Okada
“Brain science, information science and associative memory model”
New Generation Computing, 24, 185-201, (2006) -
Seiji Miyoshi and Masato Okada
“Analysis of on-line learning when a moving teacher goes around a true teacher”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,75(2), 024003, (2006) -
Kazuyuki Hara and Masato Okada
“Ensemble learning of linear perceptrons: On-line learning theory”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,74(11), 2966-2972, (2005) -
Masaki Kawamura, Michiko Yamana and Masato Okada
“Theory of recurrent neural network with common synaptic inputs”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,74(11), 2961-2965, (2005) -
K Mimura, M Okada
“Generating functional analysis of CDMA detection dynamics”
Journal of physics A-mathematical and general 38(46) 9917 - 9929 (2005) -
Seiji Miyoshi, Kazuyuki Hara and Masato Okada
“Analysis of ensemble learning using simple perceptrons based on online learning theory”
Physical Review E, 71, 036116, (2005)
Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, 9(6), (2005)
Systems and Computers in Japan 36(12) 63-74 (2005)
Progress of theoretical physics supplement 157(157) 270-274 (2005)
Yaoping Hu, Rieko Osu, Masato Okada, Melvyn A. Goodale, Mitsuo Kawato
“A model of the coupling between grip aperture and hand transport during human prehension”
Experimental Brain Research 167(2) 301 - 304 (2005) -
Kosuke Hamaguchi, Masato Okada, Michiko Yamana and Kazuyuki Aihara
“Correlated firing in a feedforward network with Mexican-hat type connectivity”
Neural Computation, 17, 2034-2059, (2005) -
Narihisa Matsumoto, Yasuko Sugase-Miyamoto and Masato Okada
“Categorical signals in a single-trial neuron activity of the inferotemporal cortex”
NeuroReport, 16(15), 1707-1710, (2005) -
Michiko Yamana and Masato Okada
“Correlation of firing in layered associative neural networks”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,74(8), 2260-2264, (2005) Papers of Editors' Choice -
Narihisa Matsumoto, Masato Okada, Yasuko Sugase-Miyamoto, Shigeru Yamane and Kenji Kawano
“Population dynamics of face-responsive neurons in the inferior temporal cortex”
Cerebral Cortex, 15, 1103-1112, (2005) -
Sei Suzuki and Masato Okada
“Residual energies after slow quantum annealing”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,74(6), 1649-1652, (2005)
Kosuke Hamaguchi, Masato Okada, Shigeru Kubota and Kazuyuki Aihara
“Stochastic resonance of localized activity driven by common noise”
Biological Cybernetics, 92(6), 438-444, (2005) -
Kosuke Hamaguchi, Masato Okada, Michiko Yamana and Kazuyuki Aihara
“Stochasticity in localized synfire chain”
Neurocomputing, 65-66, 435-440, (2005) -
Yoichi Miyawaki and Masato Okada
“Mechanisms of spike inhibition in a cortical network induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation”
Neurocomputing, 65-66, 463-468, (2005) -
Narihisa Matsumoto, Daisuke Ide, Masataka Watanabe and Masato Okada
“Synaptic depression enlarges basin of attraction”
Neurocomputing, 65-66, 571-577, (2005) -
Toru Aonishi, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa, Masashi Inoue and Masato Okada
“Effect of dendritic backpropagating action potential on neural interaction”
Neurocomputing, 65-66, 343-348, (2005) -
Toshiyuki Tanaka and Masato Okada
“Approximate belief propagation, density evolution, and statistical neurodynamics for CDMA multiuser detection”
IEEE Transaction on information theory, 51, 700-706, (2005) -
Narihisa Matsumoto, Masato Okada, Yasuko Sugase-Miyamoto and Shigeru Yamane
“Neuronal mechanisms encoding global-to-fine information in inferior-temporal cortex”
Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 18, 85-103, (2005) -
Hayaru Shouno, Koji Wada and Masato Okada
“Statistical mechanics for neural spike data analysis using log-linear model”
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 157, 300-303, (2005) -
T Uezu, M Yoshida, T Tanaka, M Okada
“Statistical mechanical analysis of CDMA multiuser detectors - AT stability and entropy of the RS solution, and 1RSB solution”
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 157, 254 – 257, (2005) -
Tomoko Ozeki and Masato Okada
“Relaxation dynamics of decoding processes of Sourlas code”
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 157, 250-253, (2005) -
Akira Shojiguchi, Toshiyuki Tanaka and Masato Okada
“Linear CDMA detection algorithm based on statistical neurodynamics and belief propagation and the stability conditions”
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 157, 258-261, (2005) -
Invited paper
Koji Wada, Koji Kurata, Masato Okada
“Self-organization of globally continuous and locally distributed information representation”
Neural Networks, 17(8-9), 1039-1049, (2004) -
Masaki Kawamura, Ryuji Tokunaga and Masato Okada
“Bifurcation analysis in an associative memory model”
Physical Review E, 70(4), 046210, (2004) -
Seiji Miyoshi and Masato Okada
“Storage capacity diverges with synaptic efficiency in an associative memory model with synaptic delay and pruning”
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 15(5), 1215-1227, (2004) -
Narihisa Matsumoto and Masato Okada
“Impact of deviation from precise balance of spike-timing-dependent plasticity”
Neural Networks, 17(7), 917-924, (2004) -
Kazuyuki Tanaka, Hayaru Shouno, Masato Okada and D. M. Titterington
“Accuracy of the Bethe approximation for hyperparameter estimation in probabilistic image processing”
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 37(36), 8675-8696, (2004) -
Kazuyuki Hara and Masato Okada
“Online leaning of a simple perceptron learning with margin”
Margin Systems and Computers in Japan, 35(7), 98-105, (2004) -
Kazushi Mimura, Masaki Kawamura and Masato Okada
“The path-integral analysis of an associative memory model storing an infinite number of finite limit cycles”
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 37(25), 6437-6454, (2004) -
Masato Inoue, Hyeyoung Park, Masato Okada
“Dynamics of the adaptive natural gradient descent method for soft committee machines”
Physical Review E 69(5) 14 (2004) -
Masami Tatsuno and Masato Okada
“Investigation of Possible Neural Architectures Underlying Information-Geometric Measures”
Neural Computation, 16(4), 737-765, (2004) -
Tomoyuki Kimoto and Masato Okada
“Coexistence of memory patterns and mixed states in a sparsely encoded associative memory model storing ultrametric patterns”
Biological Cybernetics, 90(4), 229-238, (2004) -
Tatsuya Uezu, Aya Hirano and Masato Okada
“Retrieval properties of Hopfield and correlated attractors in an associative memory model”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,73(4), 867-874, (2004) -
Yoichi Miyawaki and Masato Okada
“A network model of perceptual suppression induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation”
Neural Computation, 16, 309-331, (2004) -
Kosuke Hamaguchi, Masato Okada and Kazuyuki Aihara
“Theory of localized synfire chain:characteristic propagation speed of stable spike patterns”
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 17, 553-560, (2004) -
Tomoyuki Kimoto and Masato Okada
“Mixed states on neural network with structural learning”
Neural Networks, 17, 103-112, (2004) -
Shigeaki Nishina, Masato Okada and Mitsuo Kawato
“Spatio-temporal dynamics of depth propagation on uniform region”
Vision Research, 43(24), 2493-2503, (2003) -
Hyeyoung Park, Masato Inoue and Masato Okada
“Online learning dynamics of multilayer perceptrons with unidentifiable parameters”
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 36(47), 11753-11764, (2003) -
Masato Okada, Shigeaki Nishina and Mitsuo Kawato
“The neural computation of the aperture problem: an iterative process”
NeuroReport, 14(14), 1767-1771, (2003) -
Tatsuto Murayama and Masato Okada
“One step RSB scheme for the rate distortion functions”
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 36(43), 11123-11130, (2003) -
Tomoko Ozeki and Masato Okada
“Non-monotonic behaviour in relaxation dynamics of image restoration”
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 36(43), 11011-11021, (2003) -
Masaki Nomura, Toshio Aoyagi and Masato Okada
“Two-level hierarchy with sparsely and temporally coded patterns”
Neural Networks, 16(7), 947-954, (2003) - Kazushi Mimura, Tomoyuki Kimoto and Masato Okada “Synapse efficiency diverges due to synaptic pruning following over-growth” Physical Review E, 68(3), 031910, (2003)
Masaki Kawamura, Ryuji Tokunaga and Masato Okada
“Low-dimensional chaos induced by frustration in a non-monotonic system”
Europhysics Letters, 62(5), 657-663, (2003) -
Masami Tatsuno and Masato Okada
“How does the information-geometric measure depend on underlying neural mechanisms?”
Neurocomputing, 52-4(54), 649-654, (2003) -
Toru Aonishi and Masato Okada
“Dynamically coupled oscillators: Cooperative behavior via dynamical interaction"
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,72(6), 1334-1337, (2003) -
Masato Inoue, Hyeyoung Park and Masato Okada
“On-line learning theory of soft committee machines with correlated hidden units - Steepest gradient descent and natural gradient descent”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,72(4), 805-810, (2003) -
Seiji Miyoshi and Masato Okada
“Associative memory by neural networks with delays and pruning”
Electronics and Communication in Japan Part 3, Fundamental Electronic Science, 86(6), 48-58, (2003) -
Yoichi Miyawaki, Masato Okada
“Computational model of transcranial magnetic stimulation: Temporal property and subthreshold prolongation of visual suppression induced by neural population”
Journal of Vision 3(9) 749 (2003) -
Narihisa Matsumoto and Masato Okada
“Robustness of retrieval properties against imbalance between long-term potentiation and depression of spike-timing-dependent plasticity”
Physical Review E, 68(6), 61914-1-9, (2003) -
Jun Tsuzurugi and Masato Okada
“Statistical mechanics of the Bayesian image restoration under spatially correlated noise”
Physical Review E, 66(6), 066704, (2002) -
Tomoyuki Kimoto and Masato Okada
“Sparsely encoded associative memory model with forgetting process”
IEICE Transaction on Information and systems, E85-D (12), 1938-1945, (2002) -
Hayaru Shouno, Koji Wada and Masato Okada
“Naive mean field approximation for image restoration”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,71(10), 2406-2413, (2002) -
Toru Aonishi, Koji Kurata and Masato Okada
“Acceleration effect of coupled oscillator systems”
Physical Review E, 65(4), 046223, (2002) -
Masaki Kawamura and Masato Okada
“Transient dynamics for sequence processing neural network”
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 35(2), 253-266, (2002) -
Toru Aonishi and Masato Okada
“Multibranch entrainment and slow evolution among branches in coupled oscillators”
Physical Review Letters, 88(2), 024102, (2002) -
Tomoyuki Kimoto and Masato Okada
“Mixed state on a sparsely encoded associative memory model”
Biological Cybernetics, 85(4), 319-325, (2001) -
Toshiyuki Tanaka, Shinsuke Kakiya and Masato Okada
“Application of two-parameter dynamical replica theory to retrieval dynamics of associative memory with non-monotonic neurons”
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 34(13), 2695-2712, (2001) -
Kaname Toya, Kunihiko Fukushima, Yoshiyuki Kabashima and Masato Okada
“Bistability of mixed states in a neural network storing hierarchical patterns”
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 33(14), 2725-2738, (2000) -
Tomoki Fukai, Tomoyuki Kimoto, Makoto Doi and Masato Okada
“Coexistence of uncorrelated and correlated attractors in a nonmonotonic neural network”
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 32(30), 5551-5562, (1999)
Toru Aonishi, Koji Kurata and Masato Okada “Statistical mechanics of an oscillator associative memory with scattered natural frequencies”
Physical Review Letters, 82(13), 2800-2803, (1999)-
Masaki Kawamura, Masato Okada and Yuzo Hirai
“Dynamics of selective recall in an associative memory model with one-to-many associations”
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 10(3), 704-713, (1999) -
Yoshio Yamaguchi, Kunihiko Fukushima and Masato Okada
“A neural network model for associative recall of maps”
Systems & Computers in Japan, 29, 386-394, (1998) -
Kazushi Mimura, Masato Okada and Koji Kurata
“Robustness to noise of associative memory using nonmonotonic analogue neurons”
Proceedings of 1993 International Conference on Neural Networks(IJCNN'93),VolS1-3, 2559-2562,(1993)
IEICE Transaction on Information and systems, E81-D, 928-932, (1998) -
Kazushi Mimura, Masato Okada and Koji Kurata
“Associative memory model with forgetting process using nonmonotonic neurons”
IEICE Transaction on Information and systems, E81-D, 1298-1304, (1998) -
Masato Okada, Tomoki Fukai and Masatoshi Shiino
“Random and systematic dilutions of synaptic connections in a neural network with a nonmonotonic response function”
Physical Review E, 57(2), 2095-2103, (1998) -
Kunihiko Fukushima, Yoshio Yamaguchi and Masato Okada
“Neural network model of spatial memory: associative recall of maps”
Neural Networks, 10(6), 971-979, (1997) -
Invited paper
Masato Okada
“Notions of associative memory and sparse coding”
Neural Networks, 9(8), 1429-1458, (1996) -
Kazushi Mimura, Masato Okada and Koji Kurata
“Capacity of autocorrelation associative memory with quantized synaptic weight”
Systems & Computers in Japan, 27(5), 55-63, (1996) -
Michihiro Ohno, Masato Okada, Kunihiko Fukushima
“Neocognitron learning by backpropagation”
Systems & Computers in Japan, 26(5), 19-28, (1995) -
Masato Okada
“A hierarchy of macrodynamical equations for associative memory”
Neural Networks, 8(6), 833-838, (1995) -
Kunihiko Fukushima, Masato Okada, Kazuhito Hiroshige
“Neocognitron with dual C-cell layers”
Neural Networks, 7, 41-47, (1994) -
Akio Kotani, Takeo. Jo, Kozo Okada, Takashi Nakano, Masato Okada, A. Bianconi, A. Marcelli and J. C. Parlebas
“High-energy spectroscopy in Ce and La compounds”
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 70, 28-32, (1987) -
Akio Kotani, Kozo Okada and Masato Okada
“Theory of 3d-XPS and L3-XAS in CeF4”
Solid State Communications, 64, 1479-1482, (1987) -
Akio Kotani, Masato Okada and Takeo Jo
“Many body effects in core level spectra of Lanthanum compounds”
Physics Scripta, 35(4), 566-569, (1987) -
Akio Kotani, Masato Okada, Takeo Jo, A. Bianconi, A. Marcelli and J. C. Parlebas
“Many-body effect in inner shell photoemission and photabsorption spectra of La compounds”
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,56(2), 798-809, (1987)
- 岡田 真人
日本神経回路学会誌 巻頭言Vol.29, No.1, 1-2 (2022) - 岡田 真人, 永田 賢二
電気学会誌 特集 計測インフォマティクス:情報科学による計測技術の深化 141巻 6号 p.330-334 (2021) - 松平京介、永田賢二、本武陽一、*岡田真人
レプリカ交換モンテカルロ法を用いたMixture of Experts モデルにおけるベイズ推論
情報処理学会論文誌 数理モデル化と応用、Vol.12, No.3, pp.37-45, (2019) -
岩満 一功, 相原 慎吾, 溝口 幸司, 五十嵐 康彦, 村田 伸, 岡田 真人, 赤井 一郎
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 JSAI2017 2I21-2I21,(2017) -
桑谷立, 中田令子, 岡田真人, 堀高峰
電子情報通信学会会誌, 99, No.5, 406-410, (2016) 解説論文 -
桑谷立, 永田賢二, 岡田真人
映像情報メディア学会誌, 68, No.12, 892-896, (2014) 解説論文 -
電子情報通信学会和文誌(D2), J88, 1924-1933, (2005) -
三浦佳二, 岡田真人
電子情報通信学会和文誌(D2), J88, 113-120, (2005) -
電子情報通信学会論文誌(D-II),J87-D-II(7), 1391-1401, (2004) -
システム制御情報学会論文誌, 17(12), 544-552, (2004) -
三好 誠司, 原 一之, 岡田 真人
電子情報通信学会和文論文誌(D-II) -
井出 大介, 松本 有央, 渡辺 正峰, 岡田 真人
電子情報通信学会和文論文誌, J87-D-II(9), 1842-1850,(2004) -
濱口 航介, 岡田 真人, 山名 美智子, 合原 一幸
Mexican Hat 型結合を持つ Synfire Chain の解析
電子情報通信学会和文論文誌(D-II) -
水谷 智,田中利幸,岡田 真人
電子情報通信学会和文論文誌(A) -
和田 浩司,岡田 真人
電子情報通信学会和文論文誌(D-II), J85-D-II(10), 1582-1590, (2002) -
原 一之,岡田 真人
電子情報通信学会和文論文誌(D-II), J85-D-II(10), 1563-1570, (2002) -
三村 和史,岡田 真人
電子情報通信学会和文論文誌(D-II), J85-D-II(9), 1494-1496, (2002) -
三好 誠司,岡田 真人
電子情報通信学会論文誌A,J85-A(1), 124-133, (2002) -
岡田 真人
統計数理,特集「地図を描く・風景を眺める-主成分分析と・多次元尺度法とその周辺-」, 49(1), 9-21, (2001) -
仁科 繁明,岡田 真人,川人 光男
電子情報通信学会論文誌D-II,J84-D-II,2312-2319, (2001) -
川村 正樹,岡田 真人
電子情報通信学会論文誌D-II,J84-D-II,2302-2311, (2001) -
木本 智幸,小泉 耕二,岡田 真人
日本神経回路学会誌,8(3), 86-93, (2001) -
綴木 馴, 岡田 真人
18pRD-15 空間的な相関を持つノイズ下での画像修復
日本物理学会講演概要集 56 202-202 (2001) -
三好 誠司,岡田 真人
Syn-fire chainモデルの理論
電子情報通信学会論文誌A,J83-A,1330-1332, (2000) -
川村 正樹,岡田 真人,平井有三
電子情報通信学会論文誌D-II,J81-D-II,1336-1344, (1998) -
山口 芳央,福島 邦彦,岡田 真人
空間記憶の神経回路モデル: 地図の連想
電子情報通信学会論文誌D-II,J81-D-II,386-394, (1998) -
重光 卓,岡田 真人
日本神経回路学会誌,3, 58-64, (1996) -
三村 和史,岡田 真人
連想記憶モデルのS/N解析 -符合反転記憶法とペアリング記憶法-
日本神経回路学会誌,2, 38-42, (1995) -
木本 智幸,岡田 真人,福島 邦彦
電子情報通信学会論文誌D-II,J78-D-II,1428-1431, (1995) -
三村 和史,岡田 真人,倉田 耕治
電子情報通信学会論文誌D-II,J78-D-II,946-953, (1995) -
電子情報通信学会論文誌D-II,J77-D-II,1934-1936, (1994) -
指数忘却をもつ連想記憶モデル -統計神経力学による解析-
電子情報通信学会論文誌D-II,J77-D-II,1178-1180, (1994) -
電子情報通信学会論文誌D-II,J77-D-II,413-421, (1994)
- Shiro Takagi, Yoshihiro Nagano, Yuki Yoshida, Masato Okada
"Analysis of Trainability of Gradient-based Multi -environment Learning from Gradient Norm Regularization Perspective"
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (2021)
T. Hori, R. Nakata, H. Hino, T. Kuwatani, S. Yoshioka, and M. Okada
“Geodetic inversion for spatial distribution of slow earthquakes under sparsity constraints”
International Meeting on "High-Dimensional Data-Driven Science" (HD3-2017)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1036, 012018, (2018) -
Yasuhiko Igarashi, Hiroko Ichikawa, Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno, Hikaru Takenaka, Daiki Kawabata, Satoshi Eifuku, Ryoi Tamura, Kenji Nagata, and Masato Okada
“ES-DoS: Exhaustive search and density-of-states estimation as a general framework for sparse variable selection”
International Meeting on "High-Dimensional Data-Driven Science" (HD3-2017)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1036, 012001, (2018) -
Akai, Ichiro, Kazunori Iwamitsu, and Masato Okada
“Bayesian spectroscopy in solid-state photo-physics”
International Meeting on "High-Dimensional Data-Driven Science" (HD3-2017)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1036, 012022, (2018) -
Hideaki Miyamoto, Peng K Hong, Takafumi Niihara, Takeshi Kuritani, Kenji Fukumizu, Hideitsu Hino, Kenji Nagata, Shotaro Akaho, J Alexis P Rodriguez, Hemmi Ryodo, Seiji Sugita, Masato Okada
“Reflectance spectra of Asteroids and Meteorites: their classifications and statistical comparisons”
International Meeting on "High-Dimensional Data-Driven Science" (HD3-2017)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1036(1) 1742-6596 (2018) -
K. Iwamitsu, M. Okada, I. Akai
“Bayesian Spectroscopy with a Replica Exchange Monte Carlo Method for Study of a Biaxial Stress Effect on Excitons in a Cu2O Thin Crystal”
12th International Conference on Excitonic and Photonic Processes in Condensed Matter and Nano Materials (EXCON 2018)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1220, 012009(2019) -
Ryo Karakida, Masato Okada, Shun-ichi Amari
“Adaptive Natural Gradient Learning Algorithms for Unnormalized Statistical Models”
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning (ICANN 2016), 427 - 434 (2016)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9886 -
Takuma Kasai, Kenji Nagata, Masato Okada, Takanori Kigawa
“NMR spectral analysis using prior knowledge”
International Meeting on High-Dimensional Data-Driven Science (HD3-2015)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series,699(1), 012003, (2016) -
Yusuke Yokota, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Masato Okada, Yasushi Naruse
“Estimation of the reaction times in tasks of varying difficulty from the phase coherence of the auditory steady-state response using the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator analysis”
37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society (EMBC) 6662 - 6666 (2015)
Yasuhiko Igarashi, Kenji Nagata, Tatsu Kuwatani, Toshiaki Omori, Yoshinori Nakanishi-Ohno, and Masato Okada
“Three levels of data-driven science”
International meeting on High-dimensional Data-Driven Science (HD3-2015)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 699 (2016) 012001(2016) -
H. Shouno, M. Okada
“Poisson Observed Image Restoration using a Latent Variational Approximation with Gaussian MRF”
Proc on PDPTA’13 (1) 201 - 206 (2013) -
Hiroki Terashima and Masato Okada
“The topographic unsupervised learning of natural sounds in the auditory cortex”
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2012)2, 2312–2320, (2012) -
Kazuyuki Hara, Kentaro Katahira, Kazuo Okanoya, Masato Okada
“Theoretical analysis of function of derivative term in on-line gradient descent learning”
22nd International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2012)
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning, 7553(2) 9-16 (2012) -
Yukihiro Tsuboshita, Noriji Kato, Motofumi Fukui, Masato Okada
“Image Annotation Using Adapted Gaussian Mixture Model”
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2012) 1346-1350 (2012) -
Munenori Iida, Toshiaki Omori, Toru Aonishi, Masato Okada
“Nonlinear Effect on Phase Response Curve of Neuron Model”
18th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2011)
Neural Information Processing, 7064, 240 (2011) -
Kentaro Katahira, Narihisa Matsumoto, Yasuko Sugase-Miyamoto, Kazuo Okanoya and Masato Okada
“Doubly sparse factor models for unifying feature transformation and feature selection”
International workshop on statistical-mechanical informatics2010 (IW-SMI 2010)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 233(1) 012021 (2010) -
Ken Takiyama, Masato Okada
“Switching state space model for simultaneously estimating state transitions and nonstationary firing rates”
Neural Information Processing Systems, (NIPS 2010)23, 2271-2279, (2010) -
Kenichi Yoshida, Shigeo Takahashi, Hiroaki Ono, Issei Fujishiro, Masato Okada
“Perceptually-Guided Design of Nonperspectives Through Pictorial Depth Cues”
7th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization (CGiV2010) 173-178 (2010) -
Kairi Mashio, Kenichi Yoshida, Shigeo Takahashi, Masato Okada
“Automatic blending of multiple perspective views for aesthetic composition”
International Symposium on Smart Graphics (SG 2010)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6133, 220-231, (2010) -
Hayaru Shouno, Masato Okada
“A Hyper- parameter Inference for Radon Transformed Image Reconstruction Using Bayesian Inference”
1st International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6357, 26, (2010) -
Kazuho Watanabe, Shotaro Akaho, Shinichiro Omachi, Masato Okada
“Simultaneous Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction Using Variational Bayesian Mixture Model”
11th IFCS Biennial Conference and 33rd Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft fur Klassifikation e.V
Classification as a Tool for Research, 81-89 (2009) -
Jun-ichi Inoue, Yohei Saika and Masato Okada
“Quantum mean-field decoding algorithm for error-correcting codes”
International workshop on Statistical-mechanical informatics2008 (IW-SMI 2008)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 143, 012019, (2009) -
Kazuyuki Hara, Yoichi Nakayama, Seiji Miyoshi, Masato Okada
“Mutual Learning with Many Linear Perceptrons: On-Line Learning Theory”
19th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2009)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5768, 171-180, (2009) -
Kazuyuki Hara, Seiji Miyoshi, Tatsuya Uezu, Masato Okada
“Analysis of Ising Spin Neural Network with Time-Dependent Mexican-Hat-Type Interaction”
15th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2008)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5507, 195-202, (2008) -
Keisuke Ota, Takamasa Tsunoda, Toshiaki Omori, Shigeo Watanabe, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa, Masato Okada and Toru Aonishi
“Is the Langevin phase equation an efficient model for oscillating neurons?”
International workshop on Statistical-mechanical informatics2009 (IW-SMI 2009)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 197, 012016, (2009) -
Yasuhiko Igarashi, Masafumi Oizumi, Yosuke Otsubo, Kenji Nagata and Masato Okada
“Statistical mechanics of attractor neural network models with synaptic depression”
International workshop on Statistical-mechanical informatics2009 (IW-SMI 2009)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 197, 012018, (2009) -
Toru Aonishi, Takamasa Tsunoda, Keisuke Ota, Toshiaki Omori, Masato Okada, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa
“Fusion of Real Neuron and Mathematical Model by using Dynamic Clamp Technique”
Asia Simulation Conference 2009(AsiaSim 2009), 28,1-8, (2009) -
Kentaro Katahira, Kazuho Watanabe and Masato Okada
“Deterministic annealing variant of variational Bayes method”
International workshop on Statistical-mechanical informatics2007 (IW-SMI 2007)
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 95, 012015, (2008) -
Ota Keisuke, Aonishi Toru, Watanabe Shigeo, Miyakawa Yoshihiro, Omori Toshiaki, Okada Masato
“Bayesian restoration of phase response curves and prediction of stochastic behavior of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons”
Computational and Systems Neuroscience (cosyne 2008)
Neurosciences reserch 61, S140, (2008) -
Kazuho Watanabe, Masato Okada
“Firing Rate Estimation Using an Approximate Bayesian Method”
15th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, (ICONIP 2008)
Advances in Neuro-Information Processing, 5506, 655 – 662, (2008) -
Kazuho Watanabe, Shotaro Akaho, Masato Okada
“Clustering on a Subspace of Exponential Family Using Variational Bayes Method”
International Conference on Information Theory and Statistical Learning, (ITSL 2008) (2008)
Oizumi M, Ishii T, Ishibashi K, Hosoya T, Okada M
“A general framework for investigating how far the decoding process in the brain can be simplified”
21st International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, (NIPS 08),1225 - 1232 (2008) -
Toshiaki Omori, Toru Aonishi, Masato Okada
“Statistical estimation of spatiotemporal distribution of membrane potential over the dendrite using partially observable voltage imaging data”
Neuroscience research, 61, S72-S72, (2008)
Jun Nishikawa, Masato Okada, Kazuo Okanoya
“Population coding of song element sequence in the songbird brain nucleus HVC”
14th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2007)
Neural Information Processing, 4984, 54-63, (2007) -
Ota Keisuke, Aonishi Toru, Watanabe Shigeo, Miyakawa Hirayoshi, Omori Toshiaki, Okada Masato
“Perturbation response measurements in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neuron based on Bayesian statistics”
The 30th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Neuro2007)
Neuroscience research, 58, S185, (2007) -
Toshiaki Omori, Toru Aonishi, Masato Okada
“Non-uniformity of membrane property improves dendritic signal transfer in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neuron”
The 30th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Neuro2007)
Neuroscience research, 58, S40, (2007) -
Jun-ichi Inoue, Yohei Saika, Masato Okada
“Statistical-mechanical analysis of inverse digital-halftoning”
Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2007)
Kazushi Mimura, Masato Okada
“Generating functional analysis of CDMA soft-decision multiuser detector”
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2076, 1-7, (2007) -
Seiji Miyoshi and Masato Okada
“Statistical mechanics of online learning for ensemble teachers”
2006 IEEE Internatioal Joint Conference on Neural Network Proceedings, 750-755
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan.75(4), 044002 (2006) -
Keiji Miura and Masato Okada
“Globally coupled resonate-and-fire models”
Oscillation, Chaos and Network Dynamics in Nonlinear Science (OCNN2004)
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 161, 255-259, (2006) -
Toshiaki Omori, Toru Aonishi, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa, Masashi Inoue, Masato Okada
“Steep decrease of specific membrane resistance in distal dendrite”
36th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience
Neuroscience research, 55 S140 (2006) -
Keiji Miura and Masato Okada
“Pulse-coupled resonate-and-fire models”
Society for Neuroscience 2004
Electronics and Communications in Japan (ECJ) PART II- Electronics 89(7) 21 - 28 2006
Physical review E, 70(2) 021914 (2004) -
Toshiaki Omori, Toru Aonishi, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa, Masashi Inoue and Masato Okada
“Non-Uniform Passive Membrane Property in Dendrite Estimated by Fitting Multi-Compartment Model to Voltage Imaging Data”
Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne 2006) -
Toshiaki Omori, Toru Aonishi, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa, Masashi Inoue and Masato Okada
“Non-Uniform Distribution of Specific Membrane Resistance in Hippocampal CA1 Pyramidal Neuron Estimated Using Multi-Compartment Model”
Japan-Germany Symposium on Computational Neuroscience, (2006) -
Kazushi Mimura, Masato Okada
“Generating Functional Analysis of CDMA multiuser detection dynamics”
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 1-6, 373(2006)
Keiji Miura, Masato Okada, Shun-ichi Amari
“Unbiased Estimator of Shape Parameter for Spiking Irregularities under Changing Environments”
18th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2005)
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 18, 891, (2005) -
Toshiaki Omori, Toru Aonishi, Hiroyoshi Miyakawa, Masashi Inoue and Masato Okada
“Estimation of Distribution of Membrane Resistance in Hippocampal CA1 Pyramidal Neuron”
Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne2005) -
Keiji Miura, Masato Okada, Shigeru Shinomoto
“Search for optimal measure to discriminate spike trains with different randomness”
Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne2005) -
Seiji Miyoshi, Hara Kazuyuki and Masato Okada
“Analysis of ensemble learning using simple perceptrons based on online learning theory”
Statistical Physics of Disordered Systems and Its Applications (SPDSA2004)
IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN2004)
Phys. Rev. E 71, 036116, (2005) -
Masato Inoue, Koji Hukushima, Masato Okada
“A PCA approach to Sourlas code analysis”
Statistical Physics of Disordered Systems and Its Applications (SPDSA2004)
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 157, 246-249 (2005) -
Hyeyoung Park, Masato Inoue and Masato Okada
“Slow dynamics due to singularities of hierarchical learning machines”
Statistical Physics of Disordered Systems and Its Applications (SPDSA2004)
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 157, 275-279 (2005) -
Narihisa Matsumoto and Masato Okada
“Neuronal Mechanisms for hierarchical encoding in inferior-temporal cortex”
12th Annual computational neuroscience meeting (CNS 2003)
Neurocomputing, 58-60, 873-877, (2004) -
Koji Wada, Koji Kurata and Masato Okada
“Self-organization of globally continuous and locally distributed information representation”
Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM’03) --Intelligent systems and innovational computing--
Society for Neuroscience 32nd Annual Meeting (2002)
Neural Networks 17(8-9) 1039-1049 (2004) -
Hayaru Shouno and Masato Okada
“Analysis of Bidirectional Associative Memory using SCSNA and Statistical Neurodynamics”
Proc. of PDPTA'02(1), 239-245, (2002)
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 73(9), 2406-2412, (2004) -
Kazuyuki Hara and Masato Okada
“On-line learning through simple perceptron learning with margin”
9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP02) 158-164 (2002)
Neural Networks, 17(2), 215-223, (2004) -
Seiji Miyoshi, Hiro-Fumi Yanai and Masato Okada
“Associative memory by recurrent neural networks with delay elements”
9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP02) 70-74 (2002)
Neural Networks, 17(1), 55-63, (2004) -
Yoichi Miyawaki and Masato Okada
“Mechanism of neural interference by transcranial magnetic stimulation: network or single neuron?”
17th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS2003) -
A Shojiguchi, T Tanaka, A Mizutani, T Mizuno, M Okada
“Improving the performance of linear parallel interference cancellation for CDMA using a method of the statistical mechanics”
2004 IEEE Internatioal Symposium on Information Theory
Proceedings, 530-530 (2004) -
Hyeyoung Park, Masato Inoue and Masato Okada
“Learning dynamics of neural networks with singularity - standard gradient vs. natural gradient”
8th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI2004)
Proceedings, 3157, 282-291 (2004) -
Toshiaki Omori, Masato Okada and Tsuyoshi Horiguchi
“Effect of Neuromodulation Due to Acetylcholine on Oscillatory Phenomena in Neural Network Model of Thalamus”
34th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience 638.17 (2004) -
Tatsuto Murayama and Masato Okada
“A statistical-mechanical construction of the rate-distortion function for a binary source”
2003 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory
Proceedings, 169, (2003) -
Toru Aonishi, Hiroyoshi Miyawaki, Masashi Inoue and Masato Okada
“Boosting of signal transmission speed and bistability structure by A-type potassium channels”
33rd Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience (2003) -
Jun Tsuzurugi and Masato Okada
“Bayesian image restoration under spatially correlated noise-statistical-mechanical approach-"
9th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'02)
Proceedings, 5(5), 2419-2423 (2002) -
Yoichi Miyawaki and Masato Okada
“A network model of inhibitory effects induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation”
11th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 2002)
Neurocomputing, 52-4(54), 837-842 (2003) -
Narihisa Matsumoto, Daisuke Ide, Masataka Watanabe and Masato Okada
“Retrieval property of an attractor network with depressing synapses”
33rd Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience (2003) -
Yoichi Miyawaki and Masato Okada
“Computational model of transcranial magnetic stimulation: temporal property and subthreshold prolongation of visual suppression induced by neural population”
3rd Annual Meeting Vision Sciences Society, (VSS2003)
Journal of Vision, 3(9),749, (2003) -
Masami Tatsuno and Masato Okada
“How information-geometric measure depends on underlying neural mechanism?”
11th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 2002)
Neurocomputing, No.52-54, pp.649-654 (2003) -
Tatsuto Murayama and Masato Okada
“Rate distortion function in the spin glass state: a toy model”
15th Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS2002) 423–430, (2002)
Seiji Miyoshi and Masato Okada
“A theory of associative memory model with synaptic delay and pruning”
Nonlinear & Linear Information Processing Systems (NLIPS2002), 1(1), 44- 51 (2002) -
Toru Aonishi and Masato Okada
“Dendritic backpropagation of action potential induces bistability”
32nd Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, 753(6) (2002) -
Masami Tatsuno and Masato Okada
“Possible neural mechanisms underlying information – geometric measure parameters”
32nd Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, 678(15) (2002) -
Narihisa Matsumoto and Masato Okada
“Self-regulation mechanism of temporally asymmetric Hebbian plasticity”
15th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS2001)14(1-2),245-252
Neural Computation, 14 (12) 2883–2902(2002) -
Hayaru Shouno and Masato Okada
“Statistical-mechanical approach for analog neural network model used in image restoration”
Proc on PDPTA’01 (3) 1298-1304 (2001) -
Masaki Kawamura, Masato Okada and Yuzo Hirai
“Analysis of a correlation-type associative memory with one-to-many associations”
14th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'97) 2(2), 885- 889 (1997)
IEICE technical report. Neurocomputing 97(201), 69-76, (1997) -
Hayaru Shouno, K. Nagahara, Kunihiko Fukushima and Masato Okada
“Handwritten digit recognition with a neocognitron using different thresholds in learning and recognition”
International Conference on Neural Information (ICONIP'96)1, 894- 899 (1996)
Kunihiko Fukushima, K. Nagahara, Hayaru Shouno and Masato Okada “Training neocognitron to recognize handwritten digits in the real world”
World Congress on Neural Networks (WCNN'96), 21-24 (1996)-
Kunihiko Fukushima, K. Nagahara, Hayaru Shouno and Masato Okada
“Neural network model recalling spatial maps”
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, (ICANN96) 1112, 329-334 (1996) -
M. Okada, K. Mimura, K. Kurata
“Sparsely encoded associative memory: static synaptic noise and static threshold noise”
International Conference on Neural Networks(IJCNN'93), 1-3, 2624-2627 (1993)
- 大森 敏明,青西 亨,宮川 博義,井上 雅司,岡田 真人:
(2006, 3月 16日) - 大森 敏明,青西 亨,宮川 博義,井上 雅司,岡田 真人:
(2004, 11月 26日) - 三浦佳二,岡田真人,篠本滋:
(2004, 7月) - 川村 正樹, 山名 美智子, 岡田 真人:
ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 玉川大学.
(2004, 3月 18日) - 三浦 佳二, 岡田 真人:
ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 北海道大学.
(2004, 1月 26日) - 青西 亨, 宮川 博義, 井上 雅司, 岡田 真人:
ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 豊橋技術科学大学.
(2003, 12月 8日) - 三村 和史, 川村 正樹, 岡田 真人:
ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 岡山大学.
(2003, 10月 23日) - 青西 亨, 宮川 博義, 井上 雅司, 岡田 真人:
ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 東京工業大学.
(2003, 7月 29日) - 三好 誠司, 原 一之, 岡田 真人:
ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 東京工業大学.
(2003, 7月 29日) - 朴 慧暎, 井上,真郷, 岡田 真人:
Plateau and Quasi-Plateau Due to Singularity in Multilayer Perceptrons - Steepest Gradient vs. Natural Gradient -
ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 東京工業大学.
(2003, 7月 28日) - 高田 雅美, 庄野 逸, 岡田 真人, 城 和貴:
(2002, 3月 18日) - 朴 慧暎, 井上 真郷, 岡田 真人:
On-Line Learning Dynamics of Multilayer Perceptrons with Unidentifiable Parameters.
(2002, 3月 18日) - 井上 真郷, 朴 慧暎, 岡田 真人:
(2002, 3月 18日) - 井上 真郷, 朴 慧暎, 岡田 真人:
(2002, 10月 17日) - 松本 有央, 岡田 真人:
(2002, 7月 26日) - 青西 亨, 岡田 真人:
(2002, 6月 27日) - 尾関 智子, 岡田 真人:
(2002, 6月 28日) - 岡田 真人, 平野 あや,上江洌 達也:
(2002, 3月 18日) - 和田 浩司, 岡田 真人, 倉田 耕治:
(2002, 3月 18日) - 松本 有央, 岡田 真人, 銅谷 賢治, 川人 光男:
(2002, 3月 18日) - 宮脇 陽一, 岡田 真人:
(2002, 3月 18日) - 山名 美智子, 岡田 真人:
(2002, 3月 18日) - 三村和史, 岡田 真人:
(2002, 3月 18日) - 田中 利幸, 水谷 智, 岡田 真人:
(2002, 3月 19日) - 龍野 正実, 岡田 真人:
(2002, 3月 19日) - 青西 亨, 岡田 真人:
(2002, 3月 19日)
- 大森敏明,青西亨,宮川博義,井上雅司,岡田真人:
(2006, 3月 29日) - 大森敏明,青西亨,宮川博義,井上雅司,岡田真人:
(2005, 9月 19日)
- 三浦佳二, 宮脇陽一, 岡田真人:
日本物理学会, 千葉
(2005, 3月)
- 大森敏明,青西亨,岡田真人:
(2005, 3月 24日)
- 大森敏明,青西亨,宮川博義,井上雅司,岡田真人:
(2004, 9月 13日)
- 大森敏明,青西亨,岡田真人:
(2004, 9月 13日)
- 三浦佳二,岡田真人,篠本滋:
(2004, 9月) - 三浦佳二,岡田真人,篠本滋:
(2004, 9月)
- 井上真郷, 福島孝治, 岡田真人:
日本物理学会, 第59回年次大会, 九州大学
(2004, 3月 30日)
- 尾関智子, 岡田真人:
Belief propagationによる画像修復のダイナミクスII
日本物理学会, 第59回年次大会, 九州大学
(2004, 3月 30日)
- 田中和之, 庄野逸, 岡田真人:
日本物理学会, 第59回年次大会, 九州大学
(2004, 3月 30日)
- 田中利幸, 水谷智, 岡田真人:
日本物理学会, 第59回年次大会, 九州大学
(2004, 3月 30日)
- 吉田実加, 上江洌達也, 田中利幸, 岡田真人:
CDMAマルチユーザー復調器の統計力学的解析 -1RSB解-
日本物理学会, 第59回年次大会, 九州大学
(2004, 3月 30日)
- 小路口暁, 田中利幸, 水野拓海, 水谷智, 岡田真人:
日本物理学会, 第59回年次大会, 九州大学
(2004, 3月 30日)
- 三浦佳二, 岡田真人:
日本物理学会, 第59回年次大会, 九州大学
(2004, 3月 28日)
- 木本智幸, 岡田真人:
日本物理学会, 第59回年次大会, 九州大学
(2004, 3月 28日)
- 青西亨, 宮川博義, 井上雅司, 岡田真人:
日本物理学会, 第59回年次大会, 九州大学
(2004, 3月 28日)
- 尾関 智子,岡田 真人:
Belief Propagationによる画像修復のダイナミクス
日本物理学会, 秋季大会, 岡山大学
(2003, 9月 21日)
- 三村 和史,川村 正樹,岡田 真人:
日本物理学会, 秋季大会, 岡山大学
(2003, 9月 21日)
- 三好 誠司,原 一之,岡田 真人:
日本物理学会, 秋季大会, 岡山大学
(2003, 9月 21日)
- 井上 真郷,朴 慧暎,岡田 真人:
日本物理学会, 秋季大会, 岡山大学
(2003, 9月 21日)
- 川村 正樹,山名 美智子,岡田 真人:
日本物理学会, 秋季大会, 岡山大学
(2003, 9月 21日)
- 青西 亨,宮川 博義,井上 雅司,岡田 真人:
日本物理学会, 秋季大会, 岡山大学
(2003, 9月 21日)
- 濱口 航介,岡田 真人, 山名 美智子, 合原 一幸:
Mexican-Hat型の結合を持つSynfire Chainの解析
日本物理学会, 秋季大会, 岡山大学
(2003, 9月 21日)
- 原 一之, 岡田 真人:
日本物理学会, 第58回年次大会, 東北大学
(2003, 3月 28日)
- 尾関 智子, 岡田 真人:
日本物理学会, 第58回年次大会, 東北大学
(2003, 3月 28日)
- 青西 亨, 岡田 真人:
日本物理学会, 秋季大会, 中部大学
(2002, 9月 7日)
- 山名 美智子, 岡田 真人:
日本物理学会, 秋季大会, 中部大学
(2002, 9月 7日)
- 村山 立人, 岡田 真人:
日本物理学会, 秋季大会, 中部大学
(2002, 9月 6日)
- 岡田 真人, 田中 利幸,水谷 智:
日本物理学会, 秋季大会, 中部大学
(2002, 9月 6日)
- 尾関 智子, 岡田 真人:
日本物理学会, 秋季大会, 中部大学
(2002, 9月 6日)
- 原 一之, 岡田 真人:
日本物理学会, 秋季大会, 中部大学
(2002, 9月 6日)
- 上江洌 達也,平野 あや, 岡田 真人:
相関アトラクターとHopfieldアトラクターが共存する系のダイナミクス-- extensive loading の場合 --
日本物理学会, 秋季大会, 中部大学
(2002, 9月 6日)
- 川村 正樹,徳永 隆治, 岡田 真人:
日本物理学会, 秋季大会, 中部大学
(2002, 9月 6日)
- 平野 あや, 岡田 真人, 上江洌 達也:
相関アトラクター と Hopfield アトラクターが共存する系のダイナミックス
日本物理学会, 第57回年次大会, 立命館大学
(2002, 3月 24日)
- 青西 亨, 岡田 真人:
日本物理学会, 第57回年次大会, 立命館大学
(2002, 3月 24日)
- 大森敏明,青西亨,宮川博義,井上雅司,岡田真人:
日本神経回路学会, 第15回全国大会(JNNS 2005),鹿児島大学
(2005, 9月 21日)
- 三浦佳二, 岡田真人, 甘利俊一:
(2005, 9月) - 大森敏明,青西亨,宮川博義,井上雅司,岡田真人:
日本神経回路学会, 第14回全国大会(JNNS 2004),京都大学
(2004, 9月 28日)
- 三浦佳二,岡田真人,篠本滋:
(2004, 9月)
- 三村和史, 川村正樹, 岡田真人:
日本神経回路学会, 第13回全国大会(JNNS 2003), 法政大学
(2003, 9月 10日)
- 濱口 航介, 岡田 真人, 山名 美智子, 合原 一幸:
日本神経回路学会, 第13回全国大会(JNNS 2003), 法政大学
(2003, 9月 10日)
- 宮脇陽一, 岡田真人:
日本神経回路学会, 第13回全国大会(JNNS 2003), 法政大学
(2003, 9月 10日)
- 青西亨, 宮川博義, 井上雅司, 岡田真人:
日本神経回路学会, 第13回全国大会(JNNS 2003), 法政大学
(2003, 9月 9日)
- 木本智幸, 上江洌達也, 岡田真人:
日本神経回路学会, 第13回全国大会(JNNS 2003), 法政大学
(2003, 9月 9日)
- 川村正樹, 山名美智子, 岡田真人:
日本神経回路学会, 第13回全国大会(JNNS 2003), 法政大学
(2003, 9月 9日)
- 井出大介, 松本有央, 渡辺正峰, 岡田真人:
日本神経回路学会, 第13回全国大会(JNNS 2003), 法政大学
(2003, 9月 9日)
- 三好誠司, 岡田真人:
日本神経回路学会, 第13回全国大会(JNNS 2003), 法政大学
(2003, 9月 9日)
- 原一之, 岡田真人:
日本神経回路学会, 第13回全国大会(JNNS 2003), 法政大学
(2003, 9月 8日)
- 岡田 真人,原 一之:
学習の問題を統計力学で取り扱う: 線形パーセプトロンのアンサンブル学習を一例として.
Computer Today, 20(2), 23-28, サイエンス社, 2003.
- 岡田 真人,和田 浩司,倉田 耕治:
別冊・数理科学「脳情報数理科学の発展」,10月, 60-68, サイエンス社, 2002.
- 岡田 真人:
数理科学,37(12),サイエンス社, 1999.
- 岡田 真人,仁科 繁明,川人 光男:
別冊・数理科学「脳科学の前線」,103-111,サイエンス社, 1997.
- 岡田 真人:
別冊・数理科学「脳科学の前線」,48-56,サイエンス社, 1997.
- 岡田 真人,福島邦彦:
脳科学の基礎 神経回路理論[III].
ブレインサイエンス,6(1), 67-72, 厚生社, 1995.
- 岡田 真人:
シリーズ脳科学1 脳の計算論,
深井朋樹(編),甘利俊一(監修), 東京大学出版会, 2009.
- 岡田 真人:
合原一幸(編),神崎亮平(編), 東京大学出版会, 2008.
- 岡田 真人:
渡辺澄夫,萩原克幸, 赤穂昭太郎,本村陽一 ,福水健次 ,岡田真人,青柳美輝(共著), 森北出版 2005.
- Sei Suzuki and Masato Okada
Simulated quantum annealing by the real-time evolution.
Quantum Annealing and Related Optimization Methods, 209-240.
Eds. A. Das and B. K. Chakrabarti, Springer, 印刷中[Due: Nov. 4, 2005]).
- 岡田 真人:
(4) 脳科学, 5.視覚の系のモデル.
- 岡田 真人:
脳の情報表現 −ニューロン・ネットワーク・数理モデル−
銅谷賢治,伊藤浩之,藤井宏,塚田稔 編, 朝倉書店, 2002.
- 岡田 真人:
ボルツマンマシン,連想記憶モデル,スパースコーディング,ダイナミック記憶, 記憶容量.
- 岡田 真人:
- 岡田 真人:
- 岡田 真人:
- 岡田 真人:
- 岡田 真人:
改訂電子情報通信用語辞典,コロナ社. 1999.
- Hayaru Shouno, Kunihiko Fukushima and Masato Okada:
Recognition of Handwritten Digits in the Real World by Neocognitron. In Jain and Lazzerini (Eds.), Intelligent Techniques in Character recognition: Practical Applications.
CRC Press, 1998.
- 岡田 真人:
[チュートリアル講演] アンサンブル学習.
(2003, 7月 29日)
- Masato Okada:
Density evolution and statistical neurodynamics for multiuser detection of code-division multiple-access systems.
Hayashibara Forum 2003 - Physics and Information - , Okayama, Japan
(2003, 7月12日)
- 岡田 真人:
- 携帯電話のCDMAマルチユーザー復調を例にして -
(2003, 5月29日)
- 岡田 真人:
広島大学大学院 先端物質科学研究科
(2003, 5月23日)
- 岡田 真人:
CDMA 受信器における並列干渉除去方式の性能評価
電子情報通信学会基礎・境界ソサイエティ,科研費特定領域研究「確率的情報処理への統計力学的アプローチ」 共催企画 若手研究者・学生向けに,最新技術をわかりやすく紹介する講演 「確率的情報処理としての移動体通信技術」
(2002, 12月1日)
- 岡田真人:
- 岡田 真人:
IT野の情報表現 - 自己組織化とニューラルダイナミクス -
京阪地区神経科学グループ主催「脳のセミナー」, 京都大学
(2002, 7月2日)
- 岡田 真人:
側頭葉のアトラクターネットワークの多重安定性は側頭葉のニューロンに関する矛盾する知見を説明できる- Fujita型ニューロン 対 Gochin型ニューロン -
阪大視覚グループ(Gazzaniga)セミナー, 大阪大学
(2002, 6月3日)
- 岡田 真人:
IT野の情報表現 - 自己組織化とニューラルダイナミクス -
阪大視覚グループ(Gazzaniga)セミナー, 大阪大学
(2002, 5月17日)
- 岡田 真人:
統計数理研究所研究会, 『地図を描く・風景を眺める主成分分析・多次元尺度法とその周辺』, 統計数理研究所
(2002, 2月)
- 岡田 真人:
(2000, 8月)
- 岡田 真人:
日本物理学会2000年春の分科会,領域11シンポジウム 主題: 情報処理技
- 岡田 真人:
ものが見えるしくみ --視覚の計算理論入門--,電気系四学会関西支部主催“准員および学生員のための講演会”,神戸工業高等専門学校
(1999, 11月17日)
- 岡田 真人:
- 岡田 真人:
平成11年度文部省特定領域研究「高次脳機能のシステム的理解」, アートランドホテル蓼科
- 岡田 真人,銅谷 賢治,吉岡 利副,川人 光男:
V1野の情報のキャリアは何か? - 位相と発火頻度を用いた結合MRFモデル -
- Masato Okada, Kenji. Doya, Toshinori Yoshioka and Mitsuo Kawato:
A region based MRF model for image segmentation -Necessity of bi-directional interaction between spike coherence and firing rate-.
ATR symposium on face and object recognition '99
- 岡田 真人,銅谷 賢治,吉岡 利副,川人 光男:
V1野の情報のキャリアは何か? - 位相と発火頻度を用いた結合MRFモデル -
- Masato Okada:
Relaxation processes of visual computation in the brain.
Information processing as many body problem, -statistical mechanics and information science-, Kyoto University
- 岡田 真人:
生理学研究所「視知覚のメカニズム - 生理,心理物理,計算論的アプローチ - 」,生理学研究所
- 岡田 真人,仁科繁明,川人光男:
視覚系は繰り返し計算を用いているか? - モデルと心理実験による検証 - .
- 岡田 真人:
主題: ニューラルネットワークの動的性質と学習,神戸大学
- 電子情報通信学会
- 計測自動制御学会
- 日本神経回路学会
- 日本物理学会
- 日本神経科学会
- Society for Neuroscience
- 電子情報通信学会 ニューロコンピューティング研究会幹事
平成15年5月 〜 平成17年5月 - 電子情報通信学会和文DII編集委員
平成14年5月28日〜平成18年5月総会日 - 電子情報通信学会和文DII査読委員
平成 7年5月20日 〜 - 電子情報通信学会 ニューロコンピューティング研究会幹事補佐
平成 6年5月 〜 平成 9年5月
- 平成15年度第14回日本神経回路学会全国大会プログラム委員
- 平成14年度第13回日本神経回路学会全国大会プログラム委員
- 平成13年度第12回日本神経回路学会全国大会プログラム委員長
- 日本神経回路学会理事
平成12年1月 〜 平成13年12月
- ICANN(International Conference of Artificial Neural Networks) 2002 Program committee
- 岡田 真人:
(2004, 1月28-31日)
- 岡田 真人:
(2003, 6月14日, 28日)
- 岡田 真人:
奈良先端科学技術大学大学院 先端情報科学特論
(2003, 6月6日)
- 岡田 真人:
- 携帯電話のCDMAマルチユーザー復調を例にして -
(2003, 5月29日)
- 岡田 真人:
(2001, 1月10日)
- 岡田 真人:
(1999, 11月)
基盤棟7A6 (POBOX701)TEL 04-7136-4085
E-Mail okada(@)